舊 2005-11-03, 06:34 PM   #14 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
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資產: 33853 金幣

【求助】在Outpost Firewall中如何設定BT的規則,開啟op後,bt很慢啊,關閉op後速度就正常了。


選項——應用程式——選你用的那個BT程序——編輯——總是信任該程序 OK!
允許 Udp
允許 出站 TCP
允許 入站 TCP -bitcimet.exe 到19771

Torrent HTTP Connection Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Outbound
and Where the remote port is HTTP
Allow it

Torrent HTTPS Connection Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Outbound
and Where the remote port is HTTPS
Allow it

Torrent Network TCP Inbound Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Inbound
and Where the local port is 6881
Allow it

Torrent Network TCP Outbound Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Outbound
and Where the remote port is 1024-65535
Allow it

Torrent Network UDP Inbound Rule
Where the protocol is UDP
and Where the direction is Inbound
and Where the local port is 6881
Allow it

Torrent Network UDP Outbound Rule
Where the protocol is UDP
and Where the direction is Outbound
and Where the remote port is 1024-65535
Allow it

Localhost Loopback Inbound Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Inbound
and Where the remote host is
Allow it

Application UDP DNS Resolution
Where the protocol is UDP
and Where the remote host is the IP address for your DNS server
and Where the remote port is DNS
Allow it

TCP Inbound Blockall Coverage Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Inbound
Block it

TCP Outbound Blockall Coverage Rule
Where the protocol is TCP
and Where the direction is Outbound
Block it

UDP Blockall Coverage Rule
Where the protocol is UDP
Block it

I need the "Localhost Loopback" and "Application UDP DNS Resolution" rules because I have followed the suggestions under "A Guide to Producing a Secure Configuration for Outpost." If you haven't done that you won't need them.
psac 目前離線  
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