舊 2005-12-24, 02:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

MDA(Monochrome Adapter,單色設備)
MS: Magnetic Sensors(磁場感應器)
Porous Tungsten(活性鎢)
RSDS: Reduced Swing Differential Signal(小幅度擺動差動信號)
SC(Screen Coatings,螢幕塗層)
Single Ended(單終結)
Shadow Mask(陰罩式)
TDT(Timeing Detection Table,資料測定表)
TICRG: Tungsten Impregnated Cathode Ray Gun(鎢傳輸陰級射線槍)
TFT(thin film transistor,薄膜晶體管)
UCC(Ultra Clear Coatings,超清晰塗層)
VAGP: Variable Aperature Grille Pitch(可變間距光柵)
VBI: Vertical Blanking Interval(垂直空白間隙)
VDT(Video Display Terminals,視瀕顯示終端)
VRR: Vertical Refresh Rate(垂直掃瞄頻率)

ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不對稱數位訂閱線路
AH: Authentication Header,鑒定文件頭
AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/資料主機板附加直立插卡)
ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,位址解析傳輸協定)
ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,異步傳輸模式)
BOD(Bandwidth On Demand,彈性帶寬運用)
CBR(Committed Burst Rate,約定突發速率)
CCIRN: Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking,洲
CCM(Call Control Manager,撥號控制管理)
CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line(消費者數位訂閱線路)
CGI(Common Gateway Interface,通用網路閘道接頭)
CIEA: Commercial Internet Exchange Association,商業英特網交易協會
CIR(Committed Infomation Rate,約定訊息速率)
CTS(Clear to Send,清除傳送)
DBS-PC: Direct Broadcast Satellite PC(人造衛星直接廣播式PC)
DCE: Data Circuit Terminal Equipment,資料通信設備
DES: Data Encryption Standard,資料加密標準
DMT: Discrete Multi - Tone,不連續多基頻模式
DNS(Domain Name System,域名系統)
DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications,線纜服務接頭資料規格)
DTE: Data Terminal Equipment,資料終端設備
EBR(Excess Burst Rate,超額突發速率)
ESP: Encapsulating Security Payload,壓縮安全有效載荷
FDM: Frequency Division Multi,頻率分離
FRICC: Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee,聯邦調查英特網協調委員會
FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件傳輸傳輸協定)
Ghost:(General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬體導向系統轉移)
HDSL: High bit rate DSL,高比特率數位訂閱線路
HTTP(HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本傳輸傳輸協定)
ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol,英特網訊息控制傳輸協定)
IETF(Internet Engineering Task Framework,英特網工程工作組)
IKE: Internet Key Exchange,英特網密鑰交換傳輸協定
IMAP4: Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4,第四版英特網訊息存取傳輸協定
IP(Internet Protocol,網際傳輸協定)
ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network,綜合服務數位網路)
ISOC: Internet Society,英特網協會
ISP(Internet Service Provider,英特網服務提供商)
LAN(Local Area Network,區域網路)
LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,輕權目錄訪問傳輸協定
IAB: Internet Activities Board,英特網工作委員會
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force,英特網工程作業推動
L2TP(Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol,二級通道傳輸協定)
LMDS: Local Multipoint Distributed System,局域多點分佈式系統
MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension,多用途英特網郵件增強傳輸協定
MNP: Microcom Networking Protocal
MODEM(Modulator Demodulator,調製解調器)
NAT(Network Address Translation,網路位址轉換)
NC(Network Computer,網路電腦)
NDS: Novell Directory Service,Novell目錄服務
NNTP: Network News Transfer Protocol,網路新聞傳輸傳輸協定
MSN: Microsoft Network,微軟網路
OFDM(orthogonal frequency division multiplexing,直角頻率部分多路復用)
P3P(Privacy Preference Project,個人私隱安全平台)
PDS: Public Directory Support,公眾目錄支持
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy,優良保密傳輸協定
PICS: Platform for Internet Content Selection,英特網內容選項平台
POF: Polymer Optical Fiber,聚合體光纖
POP3: Post Office Protocol Version 3,第三版電子郵局傳輸協定
PPTP: Point to Point Tunneling Protocol,點對點通道傳輸協定
RADSL: Rate Adaptive DSL,速率自適應數位訂閱線路
RARP(Reverse Address Resolution Protocol,反向位址解析傳輸協定)
RDF: Resource Description Framework,資源描述框架
RSA(Rivest Shamir Adlemen,一種英特網加密和認證體系)
RTS(Request To Send,需求傳送)
SIS: Switched Internetworking Services(交換式網路互聯服務)
S/MIME: Secure MIME,安全多用途英特網郵件增強傳輸協定
SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol,簡單網路管理傳輸協定)
SMTP(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol,簡單郵件傳輸傳輸協定)
SKIP: Simple Key Exchange Internet Protocol,英特網簡單密鑰交換傳輸協定
SUA(Single User Account,單用戶帳號)
TCP(Transmission Control Protocol,傳輸控制傳輸協定)
UART(Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter,通用異步接收/傳送裝置)
UDP(User Datagram Protocol,用戶資料報傳輸協定)
ULS: User Location Service,用戶定位服務
VOD: Video On Demand,視瀕點播
VPN: virtual private network, 虛擬區域網路
WWW(World Wide Web,全球資訊網,是英特網的一部分)

AC(Audio Codec,音瀕多媒體數位信號編解碼器)
Auxiliary Input(輔助輸入接頭)
CS(Channel Separation,聲道分離)
DS3D(DirectSound 3D Streams)
DSD(Direct Stream Digital,直接數位信號流)
DSL(Down Loadable Sample,可下載的取樣音色)
DLS-2(Downloadable Sounds Level 2,第二代可下載音色)
EAX(Environmental Audio Extensions,環境音效增強技術)
Extended Stereo(增強式立體聲)
FM(Frequency Modulation,頻率調製)
FIR(finite impulse response,有限推進回應)
FR(Frequence Response,頻率回應)
FSE(Frequency Shifter Effect,頻率轉移特效)
HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function,頭部關聯傳輸功能)
IID(Interaural Intensity Difference,兩側聲音強度差別)
IIR(infinite impulse response,無限推進回應)
Interactive Around-Sound(交互式環繞聲)
Interactive 3D Audio(交互式3D音效)
ITD(Interaural Time Difference,兩側聲音時間延遲差別)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface(樂器數位接頭)
NDA: non-DWORD-aligned ,非DWORD排列
Raw PCM: Raw Pulse Code Modulated(元脈碼調製)
RMA: RealMedia Architecture(實媒體架構)
RTSP: Real Time Streaming Protocol(既時流傳輸協定)
SACD(Super Audio CD,超級音樂CD)
SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio,信噪比)
S/PDIF(Sony/Phillips Digital Interface,新力/飛利普數位接頭)
SRS: Sound Retrieval System(聲音修復系統)
Surround Sound(環繞立體聲)
Super Intelligent Sound ASIC(超級智能音瀕整合電路)
THD+N(Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise,總諧波失真加噪音)
QEM(Qsound Environmental Modeling,Qsound環境建模揚聲器組)
WG(Wave Guide,波導合成)
WT(Wave Table,波表合成)

本文引用通告位址: http://www.donews.net/sogoo/services...ks/349626.aspx
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