舊 2006-04-20, 12:46 AM   #2 (permalink)
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UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

DeskLook v:3.2
home page:
DeskLook is a program that reads data directly from your Outlook and displays them on the desktop which becomes interactive. It resembles Outlook Today data view with addition of a calendar for three months: current, next, previous.
Appointments in the calendar list are displayed according to the setting in Customize Outlook Today and the same goes for tasks in tasks list and folders in messages list. Everything is interactive, e.g. you can double click on an appointment directely on the desktop to get it opened in Outlook; or double click on contacts link to bring up Outlook Contacts.
DeskLook offers two data views, fixed central and customizable side bar, in three different styles with changeable transparency, and works even if Outlook is not started so you will have your data available all the time. You can easily hide data without exiting the program if that is necessary or use special option to hide data automatically when computer is locked.
DeskLook is able to start your Outlook so you can use its launch on startup option to have both programs automatically started each time you switch on your computer. In addition, the program features an option to popup central data view temporarily on top of the screen, it displays current day of the month in the system tray and you can explicitly choose between 12/24h time formats.
這個程序直接從 Outlook 中讀取資料,即使 Outlook 沒有執行,它可以顯示 Outlook 資料在桌面上,如日期,約會等訊息。
執行需求:Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP
Outlook appointments, tasks and
messages on your desktop
Full desktop interactivity
Three months calendar along with
Outlook data
Three different styles to choose from and
two data views: central and side bar
Current day of the month number in the
system tray
Launch on startup
Popup data option for quick central data view
Transparency for smooth blending with
wallpaper image
Hides data automatically on desktop lock
(Windows 2000/XP only)

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