主題: DRM的用途
舊 2006-09-16, 01:49 PM   #3 (permalink)
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微軟終於在CA, Sophos, Symantec 之後對 SONY DRM 採取封殺行動



  微軟已經決定將索尼偷偷包含在某些音樂CD中的Rootkit後門程式(Rootkit基本是由幾個獨立程式組成,一個典型rootkit包括: 乙太網嗅探器程程式,用於獲得網路上傳輸的用戶名和密碼等訊息)列為惡意軟件,將受到企圖惡意軟件的同等「待遇」。微軟已經更新了Windows AntiSpyware以便用戶檢測和移除這種索尼軟件。

  微軟反惡意軟件技術團隊的產品經理及架構師Jason Garms在其企業博客網站上解釋了微軟的決定,稱索尼的這種Rootkit程式對PC安全性造成了負面影響。

  「我們分析了這種軟件後,決定對客戶提供保護。我們將在Windows AntiSpyware beta中增加一種檢測和移除這種XCP軟件中的rootkit元件的工具,」Garms這樣寫道。

  Mark Russinovich上個月發現的索尼數位版權管理(DRM)代碼中的這種技術惹起了很大爭議,因為索尼並沒有預先警告該軟件的存在或者可能帶來的安全風險。詳細報道請參看「索尼BMG稱將暫停在CD唱片上使用反盜版技術」和「入侵用戶PC!索尼音樂CD反盜版保護惹爭議」。

  分析家們對微軟此舉表示了肯定。Forrester Research的分析員Natalie Lambert表示,快速作出決定對企圖在安全和反間諜軟件市場找到立足之地的微軟來說很重要,「這的確是保護用戶的決定,」她說。「這不是特別針對索尼,只是保護用戶不受未知軟件的入侵。」

絕不手軟:微軟封殺Sony DRM Rootkit

來源: Mydrivers

  微軟不光在遊戲主機市場和Sony對著幹,現在看來,連軟件市場都不會輕易「饒了」Sony,根據微軟反惡意軟件開發小組Blog上今天公佈的消息,微軟已經明確表示,將在新版AntiSpyware中加入Sony DRM Rootkit軟件代碼清除功能。



  我們對所有影響微軟消費者的惡意軟件表示關注,Sony的DRM Rootkits無疑是其中之一--不僅對安全有害,還會拖累我們產品的性能表現。

  在Windows Defender以及Molicious Software Removal Tool中,我們擁有一套標準來定義需要清除的惡意軟件,我們已經決定在下一版Windows AntiSpyware Beta裡加入針對Sony XCP後門軟件的清除功能。

  清除功能將首先提供給AntiSpyware的Beta測試者,Windows Defender首個公測版也將擁有該功能,我們計劃在12月份的Malicious Software Removal Tool中同樣加入該功能,對了,別忘了還有微軟線上安全掃瞄服務Windows Live Safety Center。

  看來,Sony這次真是栽在微軟手裡了...數數有多少微軟產品在「清除」Sony,哦,對了,別忘了Xbox 360將11月22日上市。

1. Mark's Sysinternals Blog: Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management...

An interesting read, courtesy of Mark Russinovich's Sysinternals' Blog (31-Oct-2005): Sony, Rootkits and Digital Rights Management Gone Too Far.

Quoting in part:

"The entire experience was frustrating and irritating. Not only had Sony put software on my system that uses techniques commonly used by malware to mask its presence, the software is poorly written and provides no means for uninstall. Worse, most users that stumble across the cloaked files with a RKR scan will cripple their computer if they attempt the obvious step of deleting the cloaked files."

2. First Trojan using Sony DRM spotted
Published Thursday 10th November 2005 13:25 GMT
Romanian anti-virus firm BitDefender confirms that the malware is in the wild but a full technical analysis of the Trojan is yet to be completed. The response of anti-virus firms, some of which have only promised to flag up rather than block system changes made by Sony-BMG's rootkit, remains unclear. ®

3. SONY.....Need info on the "Legal" rootkit

4. can ProcessGuard protect form sony rootkit? is there secreenshot?

The guys at DCS can get a CD and test, then report the result if PG managed to block the rootkit successfully.

5. Will NOD32 protect against First-4 (Sony/BMG) Rootkit

(thread is closed)

6. Is NOD32 going to detect and stop this type of thing?

6. SONY throws in the towel ... for now.

7. Panda: TruPrevent, Trojans, and Sony's anti-piracy system

8. Norman SandBox with early detection of security risk created by DRM protected Sony

9. MS Anti Spyware to wipe Sony Rootkit

10. Will anti-rookit programs detect Sony rootkit?

11. PestPatrol will detect and remove Sony's rootkit-enabled DRM software

12. Is there any potential risks in Sony's BMG:s?
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