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![]() 以下文章擷取自官方網頁的論壇
Unofficial Alcohol version, don't download it" Just to let you all know that there has been a release of version . but do not rush to the download site as you will not find it there!!! Why!!! because this version that is currently going around the internet is not an official Alcohol Soft release, and we thought it would be a wise move to inform all our members that this is a bad attempt to fool people into thinking this was the latest version of Alcohol, We would like to advise all our members that if they come across this version on a web site please only download it at you own risk, we have tested this fake version and have found it to be a very substandard imitation of our software that could well cause problems to your OS and render any other legal versions of Alcohol inoperable on your PC. We will not be able to offer any support to people who have already downloaded this fake version, we are sorry about this but we can not spend the time and resources to deal with the problems this version will create when we have people using our legal versions who require our support. Best Regards Paul Alcohol Soft Support European Manager -------------------- Phoenix Alcohol Support Department http://www.alcohol-soft.com 經我了解, Alcohol公司表示並未出此版本,可見是有心人士在搞鬼,有在史版下載安裝之人, 請用先用 Cyberscrub之類的軟體徹底清除原壓縮檔(兔子的檔案碎紙機,system mechanic 的securely delete等等皆可),再移除軟體,然後用ad-aware掃一下,再用木馬軟體&防毒軟體掃一下!goodluck!希望大家都沒事! 還好我今天早上看到這個東西,就覺得很懷疑,去官方網頁看,也沒這個東西,所以我也不敢po,還好沒po |
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