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Michael Jackson - Do You Remember The Time
這首歌收錄在麥可傑克森的 [ dangerous 危險 ] 專輯裡面
委顯專輯是麥可漂白之後的第一張專輯 我不知道他為什麼要漂白 聽說他是為了拓展美國本土及美國本土以外的白人市場 但我不相信 我覺得這一切都是新力唱片公司的唆使 這種唆使可能包括更多的唱片合約 更多的簽約金 更多的創作自由 這專輯真是棒啊 支支動聽不說 連音樂錄影帶都有大卡斯 拿這支音樂錄影帶作例子 等等你看幫法老敲羅的人是誰 (以下的是說給七年級生聽的,各位哥哥可以直接跳過) 是在80年代NBA鼎鼎大名的魔術強生 在歐羅肥帶領湖人隊奪冠之前 湖人隊早在80年代靠著強森拿5次總冠軍了 那個時候 有喬丹的公牛隊連東區總冠軍賽都進不去 NBA會開始賺錢(靠轉撥跟ESPN要錢) 就是靠他跟湖人隊有打出來的江山 你要是看過他打球 我保證你會說 他比現在太陽隊的控衛-史提夫奈許 強太多了 A 怎麼說到籃球 歹事 岔題了 這張專輯其他歌曲 還邀請到當時的許多名人來拍 比如說 [ JAM ] 邀請籃球芭蕾舞王-麥可喬丹 [ BLACK or WHITE] 邀請 [ 小鬼當家 ] 男主角 麥考利金 太多事情都過去了 真的要說說也說不完 大家還是聽歌吧 這首歌給我的愛情什麼回憶勒 很簡單 那時候我超哈片子裡面那個不愛笑的王妃 :on_16: :on_14: :on_02:
Michael Jackson - Do You Remember The Time 作詞:Michael Jackson 作曲:Michael Jackson Do You Remember When We Fell In Love We Were Young And Innocent Then Do You Remember How It All Began It Just Seemed Like HeavenSo Why Did It End? Do You Remember Back In The Fall We'd Be Together All Day Long Do You Remember Us Holding Hands In Each Other's Eyes We'd Stare (Tell Me) Do You Remember The Time When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time When We First Met , Girl Do You Remember The Time (Oh Why ?) When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time Do You Remember How We Used To Talk (You Know) We'd Stay On The Phone At Night Till Dawn Do You Remember All The Things We Said Like I Love You So I'll Never Let You Go Do You Remember Back In The Spring Every Morning Birds Would Sing Do You Remember Those Special Times They'll Just Go On And On In The Back Of My Mind Do You Remember The Time (Oh Why ?) When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time When We First Met Girl Do You Remember The Time (Oh Why ?) When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time Those Sweet Memories Will Always Be Dear To Me And Girl No Matter What Was Said I Will Never Forget What We Had Now Baby Do You Remember The Time Do You Remember When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time When We First Met Girl Do You Remember The Time (Oh Why ?) When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time Remember My Baby Do You Remember The Time Can Let Remember When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time Oh Had My Mind Girl Do You Remember The Time (Oh Why ?) When We Fell In Love Do You Remember The Time Remember My Baby Remember The Times Ooh !! Remember The Times Do You Remember Girl Remember The Times On The Phone You And Me Remember The Times Till Dawn, Two Or Three What About Us Girl Remember The Times Do You. Do You, Do You, Do You, Do You Remember The Times In The Park, On The Beach Remember The Times You And Me In Spain What About , What About , Dlalala Da Da Da , Dlalala Da Da Da Remember The Times Remember The Times Ooh !! In The Park Remember The Times After Dark..., Do You, Do You, Do You Remember The Times Do You, Do You, Do You, Did You Remember The Times Yeah ~ Yeah ~ Ooh !! Remember The Times , Remember The Times |
熊熊~ 熊熊~ 別生氣~! 天天都帶您看戲~! 看什麼戲~? 看... 嗯... 等一下...; 您有嗎~!:on_52: 您真的有嗎?:on_07: :on_07: :on_07: :on_07: 好啦~ 好啦~ 看我鼻涕流滿地~~~ :on_27: :on_27: :on_27: :on_27: 這個好看了吧~?不能說完全沒看頭吧?是有點特色的吧~!?:on_07: :on_07: :on_07: :on_07: |
鼻涕 猜一位史萊姆一位版友 答案是:dddd 為什麼 因為鼻涕滴滴滴滴 有冷到嗎 有冷到吧 :on_28: :on_28: :on_28: |
[ Right here waiting for you ] 的原唱者 Richard Marx 版本
這首歌應該是很多人的定情曲吧 現在的七年級生因該無緣聽到這首歌 因為當他們開始走路的時候 這首歌已經走紅了 這首歌翻唱的人實在太多了 Richard Marx 是原唱者 不過大概因為這首歌太成功 錢一下就賺起來了 之後就沒聽說有什麼大作了 Right here waiting Richard Marx 理查瑪爾克斯 在此等候 Oceans apart day after day 隔海相思,日復一日 And I slowly go insane 我逐漸陷入瘋狂 I hear your voice on the line 在電話裡聽著你的聲音 But it doesn't stop the pain 但那不能療傷止痛 If I see you next to never 如果永遠見不到你 How can we say forever 我倆還談什麼天長地久 Wherever you go 不論你去了哪裡? Whatever you do 不管你做了什麼? I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 Whatever it takes 不管代價為何 Or how my heart breaks 或我會多麼傷心 I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 I took for granted, all the times 過去我一直視為理所當然 That I thought would last somehow 以為那終究會繼續 I hear that laughter, I taste the tears 過去的回憶我聽到你笑,我嚐到你哭 But I can't get near you now 現在卻無法靠近你 Oh, can't you see it baby 寶貝,你難道看不出來? You've got me goin' crazy 你已經令我愈來愈瘋狂 Wherever you go 不論你去了哪裡? Whatever you do 不管你做了什麼? I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 Whatever it takes 不管代價為何 Or how my heart breaks 或我有多麼傷心 I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 I wonder how we can survive This romance 我懷疑要怎樣才讓這段戀情繼續下去 But in the end if I'm with you 如果最後我能夠和你在一起 I'll take the chance 我會好好把握機會 Oh, can't you see it baby 寶貝,你難道看不出來? You've got me goin' crazy 你已經令我瘋狂 Wherever you go 不論你去了哪裡? Whatever you do 不管你做了什麼? I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 Whatever it takes 不管未來如何 Or how my heart breaks 或我有多麼傷心 I will be right here waiting for you 我都會在此為你等候 |
Richard Marx - Now and forever
Richard Marx 的成名曲數目
跟艾爾頓強或者麥可傑克森比起來 其實不多 但是在1990年他還是的出了一張精選集 除了前兩張專輯裡很紅的那幾首歌之外 裡頭還有一首新歌 是一首電影的主題曲 那部電影是跟當時的女友去看的 電影名稱我也已經忘了 只記得男女主角是什麼包德溫跟金貝辛格 這首歌 當時在美國告示板上只拿到第七名 怎麼樣都衝不上去 現在看起來大概是因為編曲太口水了 不過真的好聽(因為很口水) 不信 這就來聽一下吧
Now and forever Richard Marx Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head 當我內心交戰而感到疲累不堪 You make sense of madness When my sanity hangs by a thread 妳能接受我快要崩潰時的壞脾氣 I lose my way but still you seem to understand 就算我崩潰到手足無措但你總是能體諒 Now and forever I will be your man 我愛你直到永遠 Sometimes I just hold you too caught up in me to see 有時我因為把你抱得太緊而無法明白 I'm holding a fortune that heaven has given to me 我正在擁抱著來自天堂的寶貝 I'll try to show you each and every way I can 我會儘我所能用每一種方法讓妳知道 Now and forever I will be your man 我愛你直到永遠 Now I can rest my worries and always be sure 如今我能夠不在憂鬱,並且永遠確定 That I won't be alone anymore 我將不再孤單 If I'd only known you were there all the time, all this time 只要我知道妳永遠都在身旁 Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand 直到海水不在親吻沙灘的那天之前 Now and forever I will be your man 我會一直愛你 Now and forever I will be your man 我會一直愛你 |
Good :on_02: Job |
pm給我 我請你吃飯 :on_02: |
你們不是同一個人嗎? :on_22: :on_22: :on_22: 我一直以為是 ........ :on_36: :on_36: :on_36: |
我是提不起 放不下 只會虎濫沒有一點真功夫 :on_69: :on_69: :on_69: |
是我誤會了 ....... :on_72: :on_72: :on_72: :on_72: |
放下才是真功夫 是不是某一管理版主的另外一個帳號 ... 還是不要知道太多 搞不好哪天季快樂有悲傷的被發配邊疆 :on_60: |
我看這樣好了....:on_44: 你介紹 妹 我請你吃飯:on_16: 引用:
叔叔也是有練過的:on_44: 也是痛了好久 看到這一句 才 驚醒:on_44: 乖~~ 不順的時候 就唱 美美 的歌 一個人睡也 不怕不怕啦 :on_02: |
我什麼都不是 別瞎猜~~~:on_44: 有時間瞎猜 不如去猜樂透號碼:on_44: |
所有時間均為台北時間。現在的時間是 12:16 PM。 |
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