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一知半解 2007-08-23 05:42 PM

Verifying DMI Pool Data........
Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM:

CD-ROM Loader v2.0 (apr 06 2003)
(c) 2003 by Brady Zhu (bradyzhu@yahoo.com)
(c) 2001 by Bart Lagerweij


1.The drive may need to be partitioned. To create a partition on the drive,
run FDISK from the MS-DOS command prompt.

2.You may be using third-party disk-partitioning software. If you are using
this type of software, remove the Emergency BOOT DISK and restart your
computer. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to start your computer from
a floppy disk.

3.Some viruses also cause your drive C to not register. You can use a virus
scanning program to check your computer for viruses.

The diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive C.

File not found.

Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart your computer.

There may be a problem with your CD-ROM. Check to make
sure it is properly connected and restard your computer.

To view Help, or to view Help again, type HELP
and then press ENTER.

不飛 2007-08-23 05:55 PM

可能性如下 :
1 : 您的 Windows XP 開機光碟片有問題,光碟機讀取不到。
2 : 您的硬碟還沒有格式化。
3 : BIOS 沒有抓到您的硬碟。
4 : 您的硬碟可能................掛了。
5 : 您的 BIOS 版本太舊,讀取不到大於 127 GB 容量的硬碟。

建議如下 :
1 : 光碟片拿到別台電腦去開機看看。
2 : 利用 Windows XP 開機片或拿到別台電腦內去格式化您的硬碟。
3 : 開機時候進入 BIOS 設定畫面去讀取您的硬碟,看看是否正確。
4 : 把硬碟取下到別台電腦去讀取看看。
5 : 升級您的 BIOS 版本。


rainnylin 2007-08-31 10:13 PM


所有時間均為台北時間。現在的時間是 06:37 AM

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