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HULEN 2009-02-24 07:07 PM

Sisulizer 2008 Build 280 (2.0.280) 官方版

[軟體名稱] Sisulizer 2008 Build 280 (2.0.280) 官方版
[軟體語言] 多國語言
[檔案大小] 48 MB
[官方網站] http://www.sisulizer.com/downloads.shtml
2.使用 Sisulizer 可視化編輯Sisulizer 方便地為您的軟體提供多種語言支援,三個步驟進行本地化:
無論是 簡>繁、英>繁、韓>繁.....等100多國的語系。本軟體支援各國語系,且強大的語系翻譯引擎讓您在彈指間就可以輕鬆的做出中文化的程式!!


※2008 build 280 (February 24, 2009)

※Hungarian translations added.
※Sisulizer Enterprise support Google Translate machine translator service. This makes it possible to automatically translate any text to more than 30 languages.
※Empty Translation validation. Report if a translation is an empty string.
※All Spaces Translation validation. Report if a translation includes only spaces.
※Empty Original validation. Report if an original is an empty string.
※All Spaces Translation validation. Report if an original includes only spaces.
※You can filter rows by empty originals also.

※XML: Sisulizer detects ISM format as XML file and will automatically check the XML elements that contains string data.
※When you select a pane on the bottom SL the selected row on the pane will be also selected on the main sheet.
※XAML: Sisulizer can now localize FlowDirection and when localizing to bidirectional language Sisulizer can add FlowDirection attribute to top level element if it does not contain it.
※WPF: Sisulizer supports XBAP applications.
※Java: Sisulizer can localized .properties files using any encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16, Ansi, ISO, etc).

bug 修正:
※VCL: When performing a runtime language switch from Asian language to other language in the case where menu contained automatic hot key Sisulizer could not translate that item.
※VCL: Sisulizer units worked on different way in XP and Vista when handling .CH resource DLL. XP handled it as Chinese Trad. but Vista handled it as Chinese Simp. Now both handle it as Chinese Simp.
※.NET: If form contained Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.ToolStripTabItem controls Sisulizer could not scan the form but crashed.
※Importing from text file that uses escapes (e.g \n). If the files contained non standard escapes Sisulizer reported an error and could not import the file.
※When exporting data from Windows binary source to Ansi text file the original column was encdoded incorrectly.
※Excluding original values works also for XML and HTML data types.
※Windows C++ Binary: Strings that include control characters (\0x00, \0x01, ...) can be scanned well. No extra '0' characters will be added after each scanning process.


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