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-   -   P4C800 Deluxe 新一代的主機版 (http://forum.slime.com.tw/thread90050.html)

squall5229 2004-01-07 01:36 PM

P4C800 Deluxe 新一代的主機版

Intel 875P 晶片組
800 MHz 前側匯流排
支援Intel Hyper-Threading超執行緒技術
支援Intel 下一代Prescott中央處理器
華碩 AI 智慧功能
AGP Pro/8X 插槽
3COM Gigabit 網路功能

伴隨英特爾發表支援800MHz前側匯流排的Intel 875P晶片組,華碩電腦亦同步推出P4C800主機板,除支援Intel Performance Acceleration Technology效能加速技術、雙通道DDR400記憶體、八組USB 2.0、四組Serial ATA外,還具備華碩獨家的AI人工智慧功能,堪稱為有史以來最聰明的主機板。


P4C800 Deluxe 產品簡介

Intel 875P晶片組只需搭配兩條DDR400記憶體,就可以達到每秒6.4 GB的記憶體頻寬,資料傳輸和800 MHz前側匯流排Pentium 4處理器完全同步,讓記憶體不再成為效能的瓶頸。而英特爾最新PAT(Performance Acceleration Technology)效能加速技術,平均可以再提升約3~5%左右的效能,目前市面上僅有Intel 875P晶片組具備。

此主機板採用Intel ICH5南橋晶片與Promise 20378控制晶片,共可支援四部Serial ATA、兩部ATA 133及四部ATA 100/66/33裝置,磁碟陣列等級則支援RAID 0/1/0+1。外接週邊提供八組USB 2.0埠與兩組IEEE 1394埠,不論內外都擁有最高速的傳輸頻寬。

Intel 875P晶片組
採用Intel 875P晶片組,可支援P4中央處理器達 3.2 GHz+ ,支援800MHz前側匯流排, 雙 DDR 400記憶體, Intel Hyper-Threading超執行緒技術, Intel Performance Acceleration 技術, 與全方位的進階功能, P4C800 Deluxe 的確為完整價值、高效能的解決方案。

雙通道 DDR400
雙通道 DDR 技術可提昇您系統記憶體頻寬達兩倍,讓您系統記憶體效能亦跟著提升,藉由balance architecture架構與最高頻寬達6.4GB/s,突破您系統的瓶頸。

ICH5R南橋晶片整合了SATA 與RAID 0的功能
Intel是世界上第一個將SATA 與RAID 0、1功能整合入南橋晶片的晶片組製造商。最新的ICH5R晶片組在SATA方面提供了高達150MB/s的傳輸速率,有效增強電腦運算效能。

Intel PAT
P4C800 Deluxe 採用內建 Intel PAT (Intel Performance Acceleration Technology) 是極致效能的關鍵。它可提升您系統效能約 3~5%.

採ATA133 & Serial ATA 之Multi-RAID
P4C800 Deluxe提供您最完整的RAID解決方案。一個 Promise SATA 控制器提供RAID 0, 1與10 的功能,與最高可支援2個 UltraATA 133接頭 及2個 SATA HD 接頭, 賦予使用者可建構一個 具有2,3或者是4埠的RAID磁碟陣列。具備獨特的multi-RAID 功能, RAID 0 與 RAID 1磁碟陣列可同時存在。

AI NET (Gigabit LAN)
AI 系列主機板內建3Com 3C940 Gigabit網路晶片,支援1000/100/10Mbps傳輸速度。整合VCT(Virtual Cable Tester;虛擬纜線測試工具),以圖形介面清楚顯示雙絞網路線的連接狀態,可顯示100公尺距離內的網路中斷位置,協助使用者診斷網路故障。

AI AUDIO (6聲道數位音效)
AI系列 主機板內建AD1985音效晶片,可支援六聲道類比、S/PDIF數位同軸輸出。搭配附屬SoundMAX 4 XL軟體,就能根據使用者連接的週邊即時反應,自動偵測並通知使用者連接的音效週邊類型,避免因連接或設定錯誤而無法享受到優美真實的環繞音場。

因為更新失敗或病毒而損毀BIOS時,CrashFree BIOS 2功能讓您以支援光碟開機並自動完成修復;Q-Fan技術會根據系統負載自動調整散熱風扇的轉速,給您寧靜的運算環境;POST播報員在開機時用語音提示取代嗶聲,讓您輕鬆偵測硬體錯誤。

AI Overclocking

-- 彈性可調整的處理器核心電壓(每單位0.025V 正負值)
-- SFS (Stepless Frequency Selection)
--AGP/PCI 與前側匯流排非同步模式(固定AGP/PCI 運作時脈 )
- 華碩獨家的 C.P.R.(CPU Parameter Recall) 功能

AGP 8X 技術
AGP8X (AGP 3.0) 是最新一代VGA顯示介面規格,可加強繪圖顯示功能於更高的頻寬速度2.12GB/s.

4個 Serial ATA 埠
Serial ATA 是最新一代的ATA規格,提供您巔峰的效能, 具備高達150MB/s 資料傳輸率, Serial ATA 較現今使用的Parallel ATA更快速, 並且具備 100% 軟體相容性。

IEEE 1394 介面
IEEE 1394 介面提供高速數位介面,讓您使用音效/視訊設備時,有更高的效能,如;:數位電視、數位錄影機、儲存週邊配備與其他PC可外接設備。

支援8個 USB 2.0 埠
USB 2.0 是最新週邊連接的標準介面,為新一代元件與週邊配備之連接標準。可向下相容於現行的 USB 1.1 週邊配備, USB 2.0 可傳輸40倍於USB 1.1的速度,給您更簡易便捷的連接能力與更快速的資料傳輸速度。

這款小狐狸覺得不錯ㄟ 有誰有買過嗎 它的價錢是???

而且還支援支援Intel 下一代Prescott中央處理器和AI BIOS

而且也沒有什麼缺點 a大覺得這款的表現如何 是好是壞了??

GP03S 2004-01-07 02:31 PM

這張是不錯啦 好像要七八千的樣子

a471 2004-01-07 05:07 PM


l560628 2004-01-07 08:17 PM


upd051 2004-01-08 12:13 AM


squall5229 2004-01-08 12:41 AM

嗯嗯是滿貴的7500 在等等在等等~~~

不過a大 華碩的主機板技術不是比較優越嗎

a471 2004-01-08 06:33 PM


原文由 squall5229 所發表
嗯嗯是滿貴的7500 在等等在等等~~~

不過a大 華碩的主機板技術不是比較優越嗎

它...我不予置評...物無所值....就以這張板來說賣那麼貴結果Giga LAN晶片不走

squall5229 2004-01-08 06:55 PM

是喔 我該去看看青雲的主機版看看 我對它印象不這麼好....=.=


a471 2004-01-08 07:02 PM


原文由 squall5229 所發表
是喔 我該去看看青雲的主機版看看 我對它印象不這麼好....=.=



squall5229 2004-01-08 08:13 PM

不過版大 剛剛找了資料在Intel 875P以上 英特爾採用新的通訊串流架構(Communications Streaming Architecture,CSA)的技術。
所以華碩這款機板應該有採用CSA 有可以是資料寫錯或....其它

Intel 875P和Intel 865系列晶片組的規格大致相同,兩者的差異之處,除了後者不支援ECC記憶體外,英特爾為了進一步加強Intel 875P平臺的效能,以便更清楚區隔出和Intel 865系列定位上的不同,在MCH北橋晶片中,加入Performance Acceleration Technology(PAT),英特爾稱之為記憶體超頻技術。

使用者為了提升系統工作效能,通常會採取對處理器超頻的手段。由於超頻會降低電子元件的使用壽命,英特爾向來不鼓勵使用者超頻,如何在不超頻的前提下提高系統效能呢?英特爾的研發人員決定從晶片組下手。根據了解,Canterwood核心的北橋晶片,是特別挑選製造過程中良率較佳(前10%)的晶圓封裝而成,擁有比Intel 865系列更佳的物理特性,能在處理器存取記憶體資料過程中,減少指令的數量,增加資料傳輸效率。根據英特爾提供的資料顯示,相同架構下Intel 875P可較Intel 865晶片組提升約3∼5%的效能。

Intel 875P晶片組的架構內還包含一顆Intel Pro/1000 CT網路晶片,為了發揮這顆GbE網路晶片的效能,英特爾採用新的通訊串流架構(Communications Streaming Architecture,CSA)的技術。一般網路晶片都使用133MB/s寬頻的PCI匯流排,若是10/100BASE-T的速度還能負荷,想達到GbE的傳輸效率無異緣木求魚。為解決這個傳輸瓶頸,Intel Pro/1000 CT網路晶片不用PCI匯流排,而是直接以一條266MB/s的匯流排和MCH北橋晶片連接,如此不僅可以提高網路的存取速度,亦可降低處理器的資源負荷。根據英特爾提供的資料顯示,CSA技術平臺的網路傳輸效能比PCI匯流排平臺提高80%以上。

a471 2004-01-08 10:37 PM


原文由 squall5229 所發表
不過版大 剛剛找了資料在Intel 875P以上 英特爾採用新的通訊串流架構(Communications Streaming Architecture,CSA)的技術。
所以華碩這款機板應該有採用CSA 有可以是資料寫錯或....其它

Intel 875P和Intel 865系列晶片組的規格大致相同,兩者的差異之處,除了後者不支援ECC記憶體外,英特爾為了進一步加強Intel 875P平臺的效能,以便更清楚區隔出和Intel 865系列定位上的不同,在MCH北橋晶片中,加入Performance Acceleration Technology(PAT),英特爾稱之為記憶體超頻技術。

使用者為了提升系統工作效能,通常會採取對處理器超頻的手段。由於超頻會降低電子元件的使用壽命,英特爾向來不鼓勵使用者超頻,如何在不超頻的前提下提高系統效能呢?英特爾的研發人員決定從晶片組下手。根據了解,Canterwood核心的北橋晶片,是特別挑選製造過程中良率較佳(前10%)的晶圓封裝而成,擁有比Intel 865系列更佳的物理特性,能在處理器存取記憶體資料過程中,減少指令的數量,增加資料傳輸效率。根據英特爾提供的資料顯示,相同架構下Intel 875P可較Intel 865晶片組提升約3∼5%的效能。

Intel 875P晶片組的架構內還包含一顆Intel Pro/1000 CT網路晶片,為了發揮這顆GbE網路晶片的效能,英特爾採用新的通訊串流架構(Communications Streaming Architecture,CSA)的技術。一般網路晶片都使用133MB/s寬頻的PCI匯流排,若是10/100BASE-T的速度還能負荷,想達到GbE的傳輸效率無異緣木求魚。為解決這個傳輸瓶頸,Intel Pro/1000 CT網路晶片不用PCI匯流排,而是直接以一條266MB/s的匯流排和MCH北橋晶片連接,如此不僅可以提高網路的存取速度,亦可降低處理器的資源負荷。根據英特爾提供的資料顯示,CSA技術平臺的網路傳輸效能比PCI匯流排平臺提高80%以上。

沒錯~:sleep: 可惜華碩這張主機板用的是3Com 3C940 Gigabit網路晶片,
白點3Com 3C940他還是得跟其他裝置搶PCI通道使用,PCI的頻寬是133MB
它還內建了那麼多功能走PCI BUS咧.....

squall5229 2004-01-08 11:03 PM

嗯嗯了解~~~ :D


GA-8KNXP is the ultimate solution for the latest Intel® Pentium® 4 processor with 800MHZ FSB and Hyper-Threading Technology. Powered by the Intel highest performance 875P chipset and a variety of cutting edge technologies, 8KNXP is designed to be the full function platform with excellent performance. The architecture of 800MHz FSB, AGP 8x, Dual Channel DDR 400, and Performance Acceleration Technology (PAT) provides promising framework for excellent performance, while the innovative Dual Power System 2 (DPS 2) enhances the computing power and system stability. This platform features Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection and delivers optimized network throughput & platform performance. The Serial ATA, IEEE 1394 Firewire and IDE RAID are integrated to provide superior I/O performance and data protection. GA-8KNXP will definitely delivers the uppermost platform with unprecedented computing power and rock-solid stability.

Supports 800MHz FSB Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with HT Technology
Leveraging the Intel® 875P chipset to support 3GHz+ P4 CPUs on 800MHz FSB, Intel Hyper-Threading Technology and advanced features, the GA-8KNXP delivers a full-value, highest performance solution for today's most demanding tasks.

Dual Channel DDR 400 Memory Architecture with ECC Support
With double the bandwidth of your system memory and hence boosts the system performance to out perform any memory existing solutions in the market. The 8KNXP Ultra allows you to handle memory-intensive tasks with ease

GIGABYTE Patented Technology ¡V Dual Power System 2 (DPS 2)
Featuring new VRM 10.0 specification with that supply a total of 6 phase power circuit design, delivers a high durable power design for the new generation IntelR platform.

Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection
Achieve 2X Gigabit performance through Communication Streaming Architecture (CSA) and enable ASF 2.0-based secure remote management with the Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection

Serial ATA Interface
Serial ATA is the next generation ATA specification that provides scalable performance for today and tomorrow. With up to 150MB/s data transfer rate, Serial ATA is faster than current Parallel ATA, while providing 100% software compatibility.

Texas Instrument IEEE 1394 Firewire Interface
Highly anticipated interface which enhances PC connectivity for consumer electronics A/V appliances, storage peripherals and portable devices.

AGP 8X Graphics Interface
AGP8X the new generation VGA interface specification that enables enhanced graphics performance with high bandwidth speeds up to 2.12GB/s. With a bus of 533MHz, AGP8X is twice as fast as AGP4X.

GigaRAID IDE RAID Controller
Supports RAID 0(Data Striping), RAID 1(Data Mirroring), RAID (0+1) and also JBOD function, delivering both data protection and data fetching performance to meet intensive applications demands.

GIGABYTE Xpress3 Series Software
The Xpress3 series software includes 3 unique software features, 1) Xpress Install for easier driver installation ,2) Xpress BIOS Rescue for restoring BIOS back to its original stage if the BIOS is crashed (This feature is currently not available), 3) Xpress Recovery a revolutionary software feature that backup or restore system files thru BIOS function

High quality 6-channel AC'97 audio with S/P-DIF function
Integrated Realtek ALC655 AC'97 audio CODEC chip, enables users to experience the seamless high quality 6-channel audio while watching movies or gaming. With new Jack-Sensing feature users won't have to worry about how to install speakers correctly

這款GA-8KNXP Ultra 應該比P4C800 Deluxe 還要好才對喔 它的價錢是???

還有有些人為什麼會討厭或不想有 IEEE 1394 的存在 這是為什麼

GP03S 2004-01-08 11:27 PM


原文由 squall5229 所發表
嗯嗯了解~~~ :D


GA-8KNXP is the ultimate solution for the latest Intel® Pentium® 4 processor with 800MHZ FSB and Hyper-Threading Technology. Powered by the Intel highest performance 875P chipset and a variety of cutting edge technologies, 8KNXP is designed to be the full function platform with excellent performance. The architecture of 800MHz FSB, AGP 8x, Dual Channel DDR 400, and Performance Acceleration Technology (PAT) provides promising framework for excellent performance, while the innovative Dual Power System 2 (DPS 2) enhances the computing power and system stability. This platform features Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection and delivers optimized network throughput & platform performance. The Serial ATA, IEEE 1394 Firewire and IDE RAID are integrated to provide superior I/O performance and data protection. GA-8KNXP will definitely delivers the uppermost platform with unprecedented computing power and rock-solid stability.

Supports 800MHz FSB Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with HT Technology
Leveraging the Intel® 875P chipset to support 3GHz+ P4 CPUs on 800MHz FSB, Intel Hyper-Threading Technology and advanced features, the GA-8KNXP delivers a full-value, highest performance solution for today's most demanding tasks.

Dual Channel DDR 400 Memory Architecture with ECC Support
With double the bandwidth of your system memory and hence boosts the system performance to out perform any memory existing solutions in the market. The 8KNXP Ultra allows you to handle memory-intensive tasks with ease

GIGABYTE Patented Technology ¡V Dual Power System 2 (DPS 2)
Featuring new VRM 10.0 specification with that supply a total of 6 phase power circuit design, delivers a high durable power design for the new generation IntelR platform.

Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection
Achieve 2X Gigabit performance through Communication Streaming Architecture (CSA) and enable ASF 2.0-based secure remote management with the Intel® PRO/1000 CT Network Connection

Serial ATA Interface
Serial ATA is the next generation ATA specification that provides scalable performance for today and tomorrow. With up to 150MB/s data transfer rate, Serial ATA is faster than current Parallel ATA, while providing 100% software compatibility.

Texas Instrument IEEE 1394 Firewire Interface
Highly anticipated interface which enhances PC connectivity for consumer electronics A/V appliances, storage peripherals and portable devices.

AGP 8X Graphics Interface
AGP8X the new generation VGA interface specification that enables enhanced graphics performance with high bandwidth speeds up to 2.12GB/s. With a bus of 533MHz, AGP8X is twice as fast as AGP4X.

GigaRAID IDE RAID Controller
Supports RAID 0(Data Striping), RAID 1(Data Mirroring), RAID (0+1) and also JBOD function, delivering both data protection and data fetching performance to meet intensive applications demands.

GIGABYTE Xpress3 Series Software
The Xpress3 series software includes 3 unique software features, 1) Xpress Install for easier driver installation ,2) Xpress BIOS Rescue for restoring BIOS back to its original stage if the BIOS is crashed (This feature is currently not available), 3) Xpress Recovery a revolutionary software feature that backup or restore system files thru BIOS function

High quality 6-channel AC'97 audio with S/P-DIF function
Integrated Realtek ALC655 AC'97 audio CODEC chip, enables users to experience the seamless high quality 6-channel audio while watching movies or gaming. With new Jack-Sensing feature users won't have to worry about how to install speakers correctly

這款GA-8KNXP Ultra 應該比P4C800 Deluxe 還要好才對喔 它的價錢是???

還有有些人為什麼會討厭或不想有 IEEE 1394 的存在 這是為什麼

8KNXP我知道的價錢大概是八千多 Ultra不知道好像一萬初頭吧
它的SATA有兩個是支援熱插拔的樣子 (不確認 說明書沒看清楚)

中文介紹網頁 均達代理

a471 2004-01-09 12:30 AM




squall5229 2004-01-09 03:24 AM

嗯嗯我了解了~~ 不過8KNXPUltra 1萬會不會太貴啊 嚇死人了

另外一個好的主機版該有什麼配備 明天在打 3點了=.= 睡覺

所有時間均為台北時間。現在的時間是 04:40 AM

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