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舊 2004-10-12, 08:28 PM   #1
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣
預設 硬碟的健康醫生 Drive Health



  一、Drive Health的基本情況

  Drive Health是一款可以在Windows 9X/Me/NT/2000/XP等系統平台下使用的硬碟監視軟體。目前最新版本是2.0,文件大小為552KB,需要的朋友可以從http://www.mydown.com/servlet/mydown.yeskydown?tag=4&objID=89148




  Drive Health的使用相當簡單,如圖所顯示,但我們該怎麼來認識這個視窗呢?



  Drive Health會自動檢測當前硬碟的健康狀況,並顯示在主視窗的列表中。這裡提供了Raw Read Error Rate、Spin Up Time等項目,對我們來說最重要的是「Status」欄下面顯示的值。下面筆者簡單介紹各值的含義:

  Attribute changed:某項特性被更改
  Dangerous changes:危險
  Pre T.E.C warning:警告

  如果顯示為「OK」,也即「Attribute Name」前面是「√」的話,則說明一切正常,你用不著擔心;如果顯示為「Dangerous changes」或「Pre T.E.C warning」,即「Attribute Name」前面顯示為「}」的話,那就需要謹慎了,因為說不定哪一天你的硬碟就會出現什麼問題了。不過,如果顯示為「UNLOCK IT}」則說明你的硬碟可能不支持或者未啟動該功能。


  從「Drive」功能表下選項「Save Report→Text File…」項,我們可以將當前的檢測結果儲存到文本文件中。另外,在「Common Drive Settings」視窗中可以設定對硬碟可能出現的錯誤等級進行監測,並且還可以設定每隔多少時間自動檢測一次。


  從「View」功能表下啟動「Show Disk Information」項,我們可以在視窗的右側檢視到硬碟的相關資訊,這一功能類似於硬體檢測工具。從這裡可以瞭解到硬碟的生產廠家、型號、產品序列號、Fireware版本、塊大小、總的容量、當前扇區數、總的扇區數、磁軌、磁頭等資料,更重要的是在這裡還可以檢視硬碟的Ultra DMA工作模式,以及檢視硬碟是否支持溫控設定。如果支持溫控,在Drive Temperature一項中會顯示當前硬碟的溫度。

  Drive Health佔用的系統資源很少,我們可以將它增加到「啟動」組中作為操作系統的一個後台服務執行,這樣就可以在硬碟發生問題時及時得到警告,為重要資料的儲存贏得寶貴的時間。


Drive Health會自動檢測當前硬碟的健康狀況,並顯示在主視窗的列表中。在「Status」欄下會顯示狀況,如OK代表情況良好;Dangerous changes代表危險;Pre T.E.C warning則是警告。如數值為OK,則說明一切正常,如是Dangerous或Warning就需要謹慎了。

  它還能檢視硬碟資訊,啟動「Show Disk information」,便可以檢視到硬碟的相關資訊,其功能類似硬體檢測工具。從中可以知道硬碟的生產廠家、型號、產品序列號、Fireware版本、塊大小、總的容量、當前磁區數、總的磁區數、磁軌、磁頭等資料,更重要的是在這媮晱i以檢視硬碟的Ultra DMAT作模式,以及檢視硬碟是否支援溫控設定。如果支援溫控,在Drive Temperature一項中會顯示當前硬碟的溫度。

  Drive Health佔用的系統資源很少,不妨將它增加到開始列的「啟動」夾中作系統的一個後臺服務執行,這樣就可在硬碟發生問題時及時得到警告,事先替重要資料進行儲存。

Drive Health會自動檢測當前硬碟的健康狀況,並顯示在主視窗的列表中。在「Status」欄下會顯示狀況,如OK代表情況良好;Dangerous changes代表危險;Pre T.E.C warning則是警告。



  它還能查看硬碟資訊,啟動「Show Disk information」,便可以查看到硬碟的相關資訊,其功能類似硬體檢測工具。

從中可以知道硬碟的生產廠家、型號、產品序列號、Fireware版本、塊大小、總的容量、當前磁區數、總的磁區數、磁軌、磁頭等資料,更重要的是在這媮晱i以查看硬碟的Ultra DMAT作模式,以及查看硬碟是否支援溫控設置。如果支援溫控,在Drive Temperature一項中會顯示當前硬碟的溫度。

  Drive Health佔用的系統資源很少,不妨將它添加到開始列的「啟動」夾中作系統的一個後臺服務運行,這樣就可在硬碟發生問題時及時得到警告,事先替重要資料進行保存。

Drive Health is a Windows program that helps you to estimate your hard disks Life Resource. This tool allows you to predict possible HDD failure and prevent losing the critical data. To estimate hard disk life our program uses special S.M.A.R.T. technology that is supported by the most of hard disk manufacturers


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

A: The S.M.A.R.T. is "Self Monitoring And Reporting Technology". It is a standard interface allowing a hard disk drive to check its status, report it to host system, and provide some estimation for a failure date. To learn more about S.M.A.R.T. technology click here.

Q: What is T.E.C.?

A: T.E.C. is "Threshold Exceeded Condition" and basically it means a disk failure. When your Drive Health software reports a "Nearest T.E.C." you should consider it as a "Failure date".

Q: What is the meaning of the "Nearest T.E.C. unknown" disk status? Is it good or bad?

A: If Drive Health shows you unknown T.E.C. date this means your disk drive is healthy! You only need to continue monitoring of this disk to prevent possible unexpected failure in future.

Q: I've installed Drive Health and it predicted a very close T.E.C. date after a few hours of usage. What should I do?

A: The T.E.C. date prediction is based on a analysis of the parameter degradation history. This means that DH is unable to accurately predict the failure if still there is not enough data accumulated in history about previous parameter state. In our experience it requires at least two weeks of daily disk monitoring, to make accurate failure predictions. Just continue disk monitoring - the T.E.C. date will be changed after a day or two.

Q: What is S.M.A.R.T attribute?

A: S.M.A.R.T attribute is a specific property(parameter) of disk being monitored. The attribute is referred to either by its number or by its descriptive name. Attribute value is a positive integral number, usually in range from 1 to 100 (or sometimes 1 to 200). Maximum values are good, minimum values indicate that some component of the disk is about to fail. Specific treshold is assigned to each attribute. Once the value drops below this threshold, S.M.A.R.T considers disk to be faulty. Some attributes are considered life-critical and others are merely "informative". T.E.C. with an "informative" attribute does not neccessarily means drive failiure. Drive Health wisely controls the drive parameters and warn you only about critical attributes changes.

Q: Are Drive Health predictions accurate?

A: Drive Health can only predict a gradual degradation of the disk. It cannot and it does not predict catastrophic events, including but not limited to head crashes, power spikes and so on. There is a general rule to follow when interpreting Drive Health results: If Drive Health reports a close T.E.C. date , it's time to begin backup of critical data. Get more information about failure prediction by clicking here

Q: What is "Spin up time"? My disk reports "Spin up time" about 75, is it about to crash?

A: "Spin up time" describes amount of time it took to spin the platters up to their rated rotation speed (usually 5400 or 7200 RPM). Values above 80 should be considered good. Values between 70 and 80 are still acceptable. There is a known issue with Quantum (Maxtor) hard drives - out-of-the-box new drives drop "Spin up time" to 70 within first two weeks of use, causing program to predict failure within a month. This is usually a false alarm. After some initial "burn-in" period "Spin up time" becomes constant and the drive functions normally.

Q: What is "Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate"?

A: UDMA controller performs an error checking on data it receives from HDD, ensuring that data was not damaged while transmitted over the cable. Each time the error is detected, controller requests a retransmission, thus slowing down the overall transfer speed. Lower values of "Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate" correspond to higher number of errors, usually indicating a cabling problem.

Q: How can I measure drive temperature using S.M.A.R.T tools?

A: Some modern hard drives are equipped with thermal sensors and can report their temperature to host system using S.M.A.R.T technology (attribute C2h). If you drive has temperature sensor the Drive Health will indicate its temperature in the "Meaning" cell of the C2h attribute (see the screenshot)

Q: What other S.M.A.R.T attributes exist?

A: See the Attributes Meaning section.

Q: Do you plan to support RAID and SCSI controllers in Drive Health ?

A: Unfortunately, the current version of Drive Health does not supports RAID/SCSI controllers But we are currently working on it and hope we'll implement it very soon! Please, keep tracking for our updates.
psac 目前離線  
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舊 2004-10-12, 11:53 PM   #2 (permalink)
Wesley.ace 的頭像
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請問一下大大 這是英文版的嗎
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舊 2004-10-13, 01:32 AM   #3 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

作者: tony6741
請問一下大大 這是英文版的嗎
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舊 2004-10-13, 10:41 AM   #4 (permalink)
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舊 2004-10-13, 10:53 PM   #5 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

作者: ws05kimo
Trial Version???
psac 目前離線  
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舊 2004-10-14, 12:54 AM   #6 (permalink)
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