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舊 2005-08-19, 03:30 AM   #1
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UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
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預設 Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 功能特性翻譯

即將到來的:Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 with Anti-Spyware 新增功能特性

註:這是針對即將到來的Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 with Anti-Spyware功能特性的簡單翻譯,方便對E文瞭解。

全面的間諜軟體保護增強元件已經融合到即將到來的Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 解壓縮版。這更全面的保護會進一步的避免間諜軟體的感染和在威脅到你的資料前阻止間諜軟體進入。

這裡介紹一下新版的Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 with Anti-Spyware的功能特性:



Outpost spyware protection會阻止每一個試圖進入你電腦的Spyware,多層保護系統可以偵測出Spyware每一個行動並且自動預防安裝到你的電腦上。你可以安枕無憂 -- 因為Spyware會被迅速和容易的終止。

專業的Outpost Anti-Spyware 既時監控可以確保沒有惡意程序能進入你的系統或危及到你系統的穩定性,保持一雙警惕的眼睛在你的系統核心中,Outpost Spyware Protection的既時監控會保護你的系統不受間諜工具,木馬和其它潛在的有害程序的威脅。

你系統內的程序模組,註冊表變動,系統啟動服務和驅動安裝會被Outpost Spyware Protection既時監控,確保讓你的系統的健康,避免應用程式被破壞,寬瀕劫持和洩漏你的個人隱私。




除了Spyware的既時監控,Outpost也提供了Spyware的按需掃瞄功能。掃瞄診斷可以確定和清除已經安裝到你系統內或者偶爾避過Outpost Anti-Spyware 既時監控的惡意程序和間諜木馬工具。

簡單方便的掃瞄給使用者三個不同的掃瞄選項:全系統掃瞄, 自訂掃瞄,快速掃瞄(Ray811註:只檢測執行中的程序),重要系統檔案。(Ray811註:這裡省略了關於這幾項掃瞄的詳細解釋,相信大家都瞭解)


Agnitum Launches First Beta Version of Outpost Antispyware
Leading Software Firewall to Incorporate Anti-Spyware for Maximum Online Protection

August 16, 2005, St.Petersburg, Russia and San Jose, Calif. – Agnitum Ltd., a leading developer of information security software for home and business users, today announced the availability of the first beta version of Outpost AntiSpyware.

Spyware is clearly a major problem, with reports predicting that close to 50% of Internet users have spyware of some form on their home computers, and an even greater number who may be infected without even knowing it. These individuals browse the web in blissful ignorance of the fact that someone may be watching their every step and plotting malicious abuse of their system.

New legislation is appearing almost every week, but legislation can only go so far in controlling human behavior. Technology must play a part too. So Agnitum has spent the past year developing anti-spyware technology that integrates directly with its best-selling Outpost Firewall Pro to provide transparent protection against spyware.

Outpost Firewall Pro already provides a level of spyware protection by filtering traffic and blocking suspicious connections. However, there was always a risk of spyware slipping through if a user occasionally allowed a suspicious application to go online. The new Outpost Antispyware, being integrated with the upcoming version 3.0 of Outpost Firewall Pro, offers users maximum protection against loss of personal data to PC hijacking and application tampering by keyloggers and other stealthy malicious programs.

Developed using Agnitum’s unique plug-in technology, Outpost AntiSpyware simply correlates all applications on the user’s computer and network with its database and blocks all dangerous programs automatically. Technically savvy users can also tweak the configuration settings to allow certain programs that might otherwise be classified as spyware; Outpost provides a knowledgebase to enable those users to make an informed decision about what to allow or prevent from running on their systems.

Why is Outpost Pro with an anti-spyware plug-in better than separate firewall and anti-spyware solutions? Firstly, the two programs are completely integrated and compatible, not two separate developments bolted together under an attractive user interface. Secondly, the anti-spyware code is developed from Tauscan, Agnitum’s award-winning anti-Trojan software.

And finally firewall and anti-spyware together delivers multi-layered protection, combating malware at every step – from drive-by installation to unauthorized personal data transmission, and every stage in between.

“The primary reason behind our approach to spyware protection is to provide users with one single integrated application that provides much stronger, easier to use, and more effective security than any two separate firewall and anti-spyware applications”, says Mikhail Penkovsky, Agnitum’s VP of Sales and Marketing. “A combination of firewall and anti-spyware remover as delivered in the upcoming Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 will prove that 1 plus 1 can be more than 2”.

To learn more about upcoming release details and participate in the beta process, please visit: http://antispyware.agnitum.com..

About Outpost Firewall Pro
Outpost Firewall Pro provides a superior arsenal of defense against PC infiltration by denying unauthorized access to remote hackers and protecting against data theft, denial-of-service attacks, privacy violation, Trojan horses, spyware and other malicious code. First published in 2002, Outpost Firewall Pro has won awards around the world for its ease of use and powerful protection.
psac 目前離線  
送花文章: 3, 收花文章: 1631 篇, 收花: 3205 次
舊 2005-08-19, 04:38 AM   #2 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

ID block:


ID block lets you specify personal data that is never allowed to be transmitted by your computer through Internet browsers, IM software, e-mail clients or any other applications. It provides solid protection against identity theft through the abuse of credit card account details, passwords, or other unique and valuable personal information.
It works very simply: the user enters any combination of symbols, letters or digits and that string is blocked from any outgoing communication. With the exception list, a user can compile a list of trusted addresses that are authorized to receive personal data, but any other requester would receive only the asterisk symbols which replace the original entry.

ID block:ID的防擋

其包括軟體, 電子郵件客戶或任何其它應用。
它提供堅實保護性身分偷竊通過信用卡帳戶細節惡習, 密碼, 數字..或其它獨特和可貴的個人資訊,因不小心流送出。
這非常簡單地有效: 用戶輸入任一個自編保護標誌的組合,啟用將過濾你送出信息, 信件或數字和那串被阻攔從任一往外出的通信。
當然你可以例外排除名單, 用戶能編輯被批准接受個人資料被信任網站的來自地址的名單, 但其他索取者會只接收替換原始的的***保密星號。ID遮閉可以保證你的私人資料絕對避免在使用瀏覽器,聊天工具,郵件客戶端或者其它的應用程式發生丟失掉的情況。可靠和穩定的保護和防止你的信用卡訊息,密碼或者其它珍貴的私人資料遺漏。

psac 目前離線  
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舊 2005-08-20, 02:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
UID - 3012
在線等級: 級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:67 | 在線時長:4863小時 | 升級還需:33小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-06
文章: 6121
精華: 0
現金: 115364 金幣
資產: 4020915 金幣

Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 with Anti-Spyware
Outpost Firewall Pro ver. 2.7.491.5421 已經過期現在無法更新定義檔

Outpost Firewall Pro 3.0 is currently planned for release in September 2005.

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