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舊 2005-11-05, 01:29 PM   #1
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UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
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文章: 17381
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預設 UPnP為我們奉上了一道怎樣的大餐

作者:Sharon Crawford







UPnP設備可以自動組態網路位址,宣佈它們在某個網路子網的存在,以及互相交換對設備和服務的描述。關於Windows XP的電腦可以充當一個UPnP控制點,通程序序界面對設備進行發現和控制。


但是UPnP為家庭用戶或者小型辦公環境中的非專業用戶所帶來的是一道更加美味的"大餐",他們可以利用UPnP玩多人遊戲,進行既時通信(Internet電話,電話會議)以及使用類似Windows XP的遠端協助這樣的其它技術。到目前為止,僅有配備了完整IT團隊的幾個大公司能夠輕鬆做到這些(雖然,我懷疑多人遊戲和能夠上網衝浪的電冰箱是否會是他們強調的重點)。




作為對IP位址短缺的一種臨時補救措施,NAT可以很好地完成很多工作--例如Windows XP的Internet連接共享就使用NAT,就像很多網路閘道設備(例如DSL和線纜調製解調器)所做的一樣。


NAT 穿越技術




在某些情況下,Windows XP可以發現UPnP設備,並且提供它自己的用戶界面控制這些設備。一個很好的例子便是"網路連接"資料夾中UPnP住宅網路閘道設備的用戶界面(UI)。

市場上流行的Linksys BEFSR41W無線路由器在安裝完畢後,會自動顯示在"網路連接"資料夾中,因為Windows XP已經內裝了一個相關的應用程式。

除此之外,你可以使用以下步驟安裝可選的UI元件。該UI元件會在系統發現新的設備後顯示一個"氣球"通知,並且在"網路芳鄰"資料夾中為每個設備防止一個圖示。為了啟用UPnP UI,請按照以下步驟操作:




點擊"確定",然後點擊"Windows元件嚮導"對話視窗中的"下一步"。您可能需要提供您的Windows XP安裝CD。







如果想獲得有關UPnP和NAT穿越的更多訊息,請訪問UPnP論壇,該論壇目前由488家廠商組成,Microsoft 是其創始成員之一。


由於UPnP技術的簡單性和堅持開放標準,UPnP技術已經得到了眾多設備廠商的採納。Windows XP率先實現了對UPnP技術的支持,但是,它現在還存在一些安全漏洞,攻擊者可以使用這些漏洞減慢您的PC的執行速度,或者,在極少數的情況下,攻擊者可以對他在您的系統中的權限進行提升。

但是,如果你在Windows XP中安裝了防火牆,這些問題都將不成其為問題。實際上,Windows XP自身就附帶了一個Internet連接防火牆,預設情況下,該防火牆安裝在您的Internet連接上,因此能夠保護您免遭Internet攻擊者的攻擊。


Microsoft 安全性公告MS01-059對該問題進行了討論,並且提供了與此有關的更多資源連接,你可以通過這些連接檢視知識庫文章瞭解更多訊息,或者下載相應的安全修正檔。

請注意:如果你使用了Windows Update,相信你已經得到了有關該安全漏洞的通知,並且已經下載了相關安全修正檔程序。
psac 目前離線  
送花文章: 3, 收花文章: 1631 篇, 收花: 3205 次
舊 2005-11-05, 01:35 PM   #2 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣



p2p 的UPNP功能實戰

UPNP通用即插即用(UPnP NAT Traversal 常見問題)




psac 目前離線  
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舊 2005-11-05, 01:41 PM   #3 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

Using Windows Messenger Voice and Video

使用 視窗信息 傳達語音與視瀕
Editor's Note: Past articles by members of the online community are archived for your use. The information may become outdated as technology changes. For the most current information, please search the Web site or post a question in the newsgroups.

Will Windows Messenger voice and video real time communications work behind a residential home gateway that includes Network Address Translation (NAT) support? Until recently, I didn't think it would ever happen. I've been using developmental firmware and I've got really good news: Voice and video now work behind a NAT box in my home office with Windows XP Windows Messenger!

In the traditional world of residential/broadband gateways and NAT boxes, applications such as NetMeeting and many games depend on a fixed port and/or range of ports being available and usually can be accessed only after a manual configuration of ports, triggers, and DMZ zones. Windows Messenger is one of the first applications to take advantage of session initiation protocol (SIP), an emerging Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard. When it comes to media streams for voice and video, SIP has the same problems behind a NAT box since voice and video are transmitted using the UDP protocol, not TCP. The port number of the end point PC will be wrong in the SIP headers due to the NAT. To fix this problem, Microsoft has implemented the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocols in Windows XP, but that will only work if the NAT device also implements the UPnP protocol. (Without this support, voice and video using Windows Messenger will not work reliably behind a NAT device).

UPnP and the Networked Home
UPnP is a set of specifications that enable diverse devices to communicate with each other, announcing their presence and capabilities on a network and in the PC realm, allowing UPnP-enabled operating systems such as Windows XP and UPnP-enabled devices to recognize each other, communicate with each other, negotiate ports, and allow UPnP applications to work transparently with no configuration needed. In the simplest terms, UPnP devices broadcast their capabilities to all points on the network and allow authorized UPnP clients to act as control points. And, in the not-too-distant future, my networked UPnP alarm clock will turn the networked UPnP thermostat up on a wintry morning and turn on my networked coffee pot. Once a week, I'll send a shopping list of staples from my UPnP-networked refrigerator to my 802.11b-networked Pocket PC and when on the road, I'll probably be able to send instructions from my laptop to my UPnP personal video recorder to record a documentary I'd otherwise miss.

In tomorrow's world, UPnP devices will be embedded in many standard appliances such as TVs, microwave ovens, and HVAC systems and will be transparent to the entire range of networking mediums, including traditional cabled Ethernet, wireless 802.11 (a, b, g and whatever's next), HPNA, power line, Bluetooth, and 1384 or FireWire. Today, I've got a UPnP-enabled residential gateway and am seeing, for the first time, a small part of the home and home office of the future. It looks good indeed, and the best news is that you won't need a personal IT consultant to install it or keep it running.

Automatic Discovery and Setup
D–Link has released the UPnP firmware for their DI-804 router (or Internet gateway device in the new UPnP terminology) and it is available on their support site. I'm pleased to report that the firmware I'm using today is both UPnP enabled and SIP aware. To get the upgrade, visit D-Link Support and select firmware as a resource, then select DI-804 as a product, and then select PROM code and click the download button. I've been happily running Windows Messenger using voice and video behind this residential gateway device over my 802.11b wireless network. These devices are the best of all worlds. Older applications that still require manual opening of ports and special configurations can use the traditional and familiar manufacturer's interfaces. With UPnP-enabled applications such as Windows Messenger and UPnP-enabled home gateways, there's absolutely no configuration or intervention needed. It just works.

Installing a UPnP-enabled residential gateway couldn't be easier. Connect the uplink port to a cable or DSL modem and connect Ethernet clients to the internal LAN ports. Windows XP immediately discovers the presence of a UPnP residential gateway and configures it automatically. As with any other network connection, it is displayed in the Network Connections window; right-click the connection to display a menu that allows you to Enable/Disable the connection, view Status, or display the Internet Connection Properties dialog box. The image below shows the Status display.
psac 目前離線  
送花文章: 3, 收花文章: 1631 篇, 收花: 3205 次
舊 2005-11-05, 01:42 PM   #4 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

Clicking the Settings button in the Internet Connection Properties dialog box opens the Advanced Settings dialog box where services currently running are displayed. As shown in the image below, Windows Messenger is active and the TCP and UDP ports currently open are displayed.

The ports were opened automatically using the UPnP protocol. After a period of inactivity, these ports should automatically be closed and should disappear from the services list. Highlighting and clicking Delete will remove them from the list of available ports immediately.


The Add button may, for some residential gateways, allow you to specify ports using the Windows XP graphical user interface.

D-Link's Web configuration interface allows me full control to make the configuration changes to open specific TCP or UDP ports for other types of media transfer or applications such as file transfer capabilities in Windows (as it requires specific ports to be opened).

Firmware for Existing Internet Gateway Devices
I'm really excited about the great experience I've had with the first crop of UPnP-enabled residential home gateways and can't wait for the technology to be available more widely in new devices and in firmware upgrades for existing devices.

D-Link has released UPnP firmware for the DI-714 (version 5.02 or higher) and advises users of other routers to regularly check D-Link Tech Support for updated information related to when and if UPnP support will be available for models other than the DI-804 and the DI-714.

Linksys includes UPnP firmware on their new BEFSR41W wireless-ready residential gateway, and I'm pleased to report great success using Windows Messenger voice and video with this new equipment. Linksys has also released UPnP firmware for their BEFSR41/11/31U and BEFW11S4 routers, which is available for download. Linksys currently has UPnP firmware in beta for their BEFSR81 and router.

I'm hoping that all the vendors who have promised UPnP support are able to release their new hardware as well as firmware upgrades to existing devices in the very near future. And I'm also hoping that vendors who have thus far not committed to UPnP enabling their hardware will quickly realize the need to join the UPnP party because this technology that enables NAT traversal and transparently passes SIP is a real must have. The number of residential home networking users with two or more computers behind a residential home gateway is growing exponentially and when the next generation of Direct Play-enabled games arrives, the requirement for UPnP/NAT traversal gateway devices will explode.

Barb Bowman enjoys sharing her own experiences and insights into today's leading edge technologies. She is a product development manager for AT&T Broadband Internet Services, but her views here are strictly personal.
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