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舊 2006-07-22, 12:22 AM   #1
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣
預設 系統 - 安裝Daemon Tool 4.03時出現如下提示:

為了更好的安裝,我先御載了以前的低版本,然後安裝Daemon Tool 4.03時出現如下提示:
This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING-SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE,WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine

我在已安裝有Daemon Tool 4.00的電腦上安裝時出現如下錯誤:
This program will updatell SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING-SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE,WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine.

我不知道kernel debugger 是什麼。於是先上網查一查,這不查不知道,一查嚇一跳,原來這麼多人的都出了問題,可見這不是一個小問題.

©HelpOnline在線技術支持 -- HelpOnline在線技術支持,免費為您解決系統故障,進行安全維護。  
©HelpOnline在線技術支持 -- HelpOnline在線技術支持,免費為您解決系統故障,進行安全維護。 
如果英語水準不錯的,可以看一下他們的Support Forum:

看看有否說明 ?




第三步,重新啟動,在開機狀態下連續按F8進入安全模式,進入之後點開始選單——執行——輸入cmd——輸入D:——再輸入D:\sptdinst_x86.exe add, 輸入正確後你能看到出現「You need reboot........」這句,而不是像往常一樣彈出"This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine." ,點確定。

第四步,重新啟動,在正常模式下就安裝DT4了,安裝完畢後會出現'Virtual SCSI Driver Not Detected'且右下角無圖示,這時候別著急再重新啟動

問題My system won't boot after installation of v4, or problems with SPTD.SYS

If your system has some problems with SPTD installation you can do as follows:

If your OS is already running then go to step 2 directly.
If you cannot boot your PC at all then start from step 1.

1. Boot in safe mode and press ESC key when you see on bottom line of display:
"Press ESC to cancel loading SPTD.sys". This will abort loading of SPTD layer.

2. Remove or temporarily rename WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys.

3. Reboot again in normal mode and check if your issue is solved.

In case you had BSOD/crash you can check for minidump (in Windows\Minidump folder) related to that crash, send newest file to support@daemon-tools.cc with exact problem description.
Do NOT send minidump, if your problem is solved after removal of Starforce drivers! (Check this thread.)

Note that you have to rename sptd.sys back after the problem causing the crash is solved in order to get Daemon Tools working.

You can also download sptdinst.exe (in our download section) for your Windows version (i.e. sptdinst_x86 for 32bit Windows, spdtinst_x64 for 64bit Windows) and execute "sptdinst remove", reboot to complete de-installation.
Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!

SPTDinst X86
Download: SPTDinst X86

Description: this is the standalone-package of the SPTD-driver. To remove the SPTD-driver, simple download it and via command-console, execute it "sptdinst_x86.exe remove" and SPTD will remove itself from your windows installation. If you want to add it, execute in command console "sptdinst_x86.exe add". SPTD is also used (besides DaemonTools) in some proprietary security, antivirus and monitoring applications which are not disclosed to wide public.
Size: 895 KB
Release Date and Time: Tuesday, January 10 2006, 00:30
今天我試了以上的方案,發現在我的電腦上都不一樣,按方案二安全模式上ESQ停止載入SPTD。SYS,然後移除WINDOWS\System32\Drivers\sptd.sys. ,之後REBOOT但是安裝時仍然有到開的錯誤提示。
第一種方案,我發現一開始移除Windows\System32\Drivers\dtscs..sys都一樣,因此最後又恢復了這個系統檔案,接著第二步用下載的sptdinst_x86.exe在安全模式的DOS視窗中執行sptdinst_x86.exe add,系統提示,"This program will install SCSI Pass Through Direct (SPTD) layer on your computer. WARNING SPTD is not compatible with kernel mode debuggers (SoftICE, WinDBG etc.)! Please cancel setup if you plan to use kernel debugger on this machine." 我記得在安全模式下開機時WINXP SP2已載入了sptd.sys因此此處執行這個我覺得沒有意義。因此儘管有錯誤提示我還是選項了「是」
之後彈出「you need reboot...........」於我是正常啟動WINDOWS XP SP2,開始安裝Daemon Tool 4.03,這時沒有出現錯誤提示,我正常安裝成功,執行DT順利,檢視USB也很正常,執行了一下別的程序均未發現異常。
psac 目前離線  
送花文章: 3, 收花文章: 1631 篇, 收花: 3205 次
舊 2006-07-22, 12:24 AM   #2 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

系統裝好將近半年了,用起來一直很好,但有個毛病:虛擬光碟(daemon)一直裝不上。安裝是不是提示"failed to config key"就是"system file error"。今天終於到網上找了解決的方法。


After "System file error" message I go to Device manager,
select View - Show hidden devices. Then i select "No PnP
device drivers" item and dubleclick on SPTD. In the Driver
folder I change Autostart type to System. Restart computer
and successfully install DT4.

也就是說到「裝置管理員」裡選項「檢視」,顯示"隱藏設備",然後選項「非即插即用設備」雙按「sptd」,把裡面的「自動」改為「系統」,然後重新啟動安裝daemon tools.我裝的是4.03


Maybe you could try this:
When testing Daemon Tools with Vista (it doesn't work), I discovered that a key created by sptdinst has incorrect permissions, I don't know if it is related, just give a try and give your feedback.

The key is the following:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\sptd\Cfg

To apply correct permissions on it, you should:
1. run regedit
2. goto the key
3. right mouse button -> permissions on th Cfg key
4. "advanced" button
5. I've got only one permission entry for administrator. Delete it
6. Check inherit from parent ... and replace permissions entries on all child objects ...


Step 1. Download SPTDinst_x86.exe from here. Save to your C:\ drive for easy access.
Step 2. Restart computer in safe mode but DO NOT hit esc when windows says sptd.sys is loading.
Step 3. When safe mode starts, go into Start menu, click Run... and type "C:\sptdinst_x86.exe remove" without the quotes.
Alternate Step 3. Start windows safe mode with a command prompt. At the prompt type "C:\sptdinst_x86.exe remove" without the quotes.
Step 4. Restart your computer to boot windows normally.
Step 5. Run Daemon Tools 4.03 Installation program.
Step 6. When it asks you to restart your computer, do so, but do not enter into safe mode. Just restart normally.
Step 7. Run installation program again and it should work!

There is NO need to fiddle with the registry or to delete any sptd files from your WINDOWS/system32. This solution worked for me and I hope it works for many of you. I tried to make it as clear as possible. Good luck to everyone!
psac 目前離線  
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