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Google 提供的廣告

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舊 2006-08-05, 01:18 AM   #1
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣
預設 資訊 - How to use Google to get a girl and get laid|如何用Google泡妞

How to use Google to get a girl and get laid|如何用Google泡妞
Damien Mulley blog
How to use Google to get a girl and get laid
我是一個名叫Johnny McCool的普通人,我的生活比較枯燥,每天就是單位和家兩點一線。我需要一個MM,也需要多到外面走走。下面開始進入正題吧:
是個不錯的東東,對於泡妞來說,它的最大好處就是能夠做到不是你去泡她,而是她找上門來讓你泡。此話怎講?嘿嘿,先建立一個你的個人網站吧,Blog 也行,Johnny McCool 就搞了一個 JohnnyMcCool.com。
不過在做這些的時候,千萬別忘記你的初衷——泡妞。所以你得考慮一下你想別人通過什麼關鍵字從 Google 找到你。另外,別讓你的站點長荒草,多花點心思更新,要不 Google 很難把你排到前面去。
當寫一段的東西後,你就會碰到上鉤的魚兒,先別急,下面祭出 Google 大法,去 Google 裡搜索一下這個人吧,看看她喜歡些什麼,都在網上留下了什麼足跡,說不定她早就名花有主了(當然,如果你只是玩玩,那也無妨)。
2.Google AdWords
Google AdWords
上廣告一下自己,如果第一階段沒太多的起色,這步應該有用。你買的關鍵字要選好,比如這位 Johnny McCool 就很聰明,買的是「Does mr.right exist?」,哈哈。
3.Google Mail 和 Google Talk
4.Google Video
Google Video 能夠讓你進一步展現自己的才華,還記得後捨男孩嗎?嗯,如果有他們那麼出名,泡妞還是一個問題嗎?
5.Google Alerts
Google Alerts 能夠幫助你隨時掌握動向,你需要重點關注有關自己和你的獵物的關鍵字。
6.Google Maps
MM一般都比較笨,尤其是很多MM都是路癡,所以你得呵護倍至,用 Google Maps 做個指示牌給她吧,順便在這裡找找她住的地方,還有附近有什麼飯館之類的。
7.Google's Orkut
這裡是好地方啊。巴西人把這裡當作尋找一夜情的最佳地方,所以這個玩意在巴西非常流行。綜合利用Gmail、Gtalk,還有Picasa 吧。
8.Google Calendar
用這個記下重要的日子,尤其是那些MM的生日,還有你們約會的日子,千萬別搞混了哦。Google Calendar真是個好東西啊,你可以針對不同的MM建立不同的日程,這樣就不容易搞得你跟 Mary 約會的時候管她叫 Lucy 了。
9. Google Mobile
用這個來記一些簡短的東西,比如說她曾經給你念過的一句詩,或者說過的一句話。另外,你可以用來搜一下她感興趣的東東,比如如果她也是一個 Postshow 愛好者,你得留意 Postshow 的東東,免得話不投機哦。
10.Google Picasa
11.Google Base

psac 目前離線  
送花文章: 3, 收花文章: 1631 篇, 收花: 3205 次
舊 2006-08-05, 01:19 AM   #2 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

This article is about using the many Google sites and applications to get yourself a girl and get yourself laid. In it we』re going to use a guy called Johnny McCool. Johnny is a 22 year old Internet nerd. He works as a programmer with some megacorp, went straight from the computer labs in college to the cubicle farm. He needs to get out more and he needs a girlfriend.
1. Google Search
a) Getting yourself found.
b) Profiling the person
Getting yourself found.
The Google search engine is a very powerful way of getting yourself found. A good way to get yourself found is to create your own website with lots of details about yourself on it. Or rather lots of untrue crap that you hope some girl will find appealing. Since Johnny McCool is using his real name then it makes sense for him to register
To get yourself found you will need to structure your site in such a way as to make it 「search engine friendly」. This means a few things such as figuring out what words you want people to use when they search for you and then seeding your webpages with those search terms. Further to this, the more you update the site, the more Google will visit and the higher up in search results you』ll be. Google rewards you for fresh content. Therefore set up a blog on your site.
Now, it would also be good to create content that women like and use this as the honeypot to get them to your site. Have lots of links on every page to your profile on networks such as Orkut (more below), have lots of good pictures of yourself (see the piece on Picasa below) and have contact details for you readily available. Think of articles such as 「Why as a man I think it is ok to cry」 and 「I can be tough but emotional at the same time」. Don』t forget to sprinkle with trigger phrases such as 「modern man」 「strong but sensitive」. Don』t go too far though, or your male friends might beat you up .. in Second Life.
Profiling the person
Profiling is researching someone so you are better informed on how to woo them. Woo, not stalk. It』s a thin line folks but a line nonetheless. Google will allow you to search forums, sites and blogs for people looking for their ideal man. It is best to search for phrases with the names of local places so that you don』t have to travel 100s of miles to meet women.
As well as finding specific women, you can also use Google to find out what women want. A few simple google phrases will deliver you lists of things they want in a perfect mate. There are 1000s of websites out there devoted to women saying what they look for in a man. Go Google them.
2. Google AdWords
Google AdWords allow you to advertise on search results pages and on the 100s of 1000s of websites that run Google Ads. You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. This means that if someone is searching for something you can choose to have an ad appear for that search phrase. Johnny McCool can have an ad for his website

when someone searches for the phrase: Does mr. right exist? and when the results page appears, the ad will be on the right hand side:
3. Google Mail and Google Talk
Finding someones gmail is easy enough nowadays and with Google making us all be adult and use firstname.lastname style combinations it should be easy to guess the email addreses of people you』d like to date. GMail and GTalk conversations are stored in your GMail account too so it is very easy to search over past conversations to 「remember」 what her interests are.
But the important thing about GMail is that it is a conduit to open a chat window with the person thanks to the full integration with Google Talk. You got her GMail then you can chat with her. Always have another browser window open with search results for her name and another window with search results for 「non-schmaltzy chat-up lines」. Get charming.
4. Google Video
She found me because I was viral.
Years back Ze Frank created a video on
how to dance properly
. It soon got passed all around the Internet and made him famous for a while. You too could do the same. Stick your gmail address and website address into the video so you can be found and contacted.
Or you could do what famous
Sligo Tourism Representative Aine Chambers
did and talk about something like tourism while
highlighting all your own best features
. Here』s Aine:
You just need to be creative. But you wouldn』t be reading this if you were, right? Thought so. So instead, create a video of you saving whales or helping old ladies across the road. Again stick your email address and website url into the video. Maybe include a few videos of you shedding some tears. Women love to see emotional men. But they also like jerks. So also have a video showing you can be a total asshole.
5. Google Alerts
You』re going to piss women off. It happens when you are unskilled in the woman-dating game. It』s ok. However, it would be good to know who is pissed off and writing about you online. Thanks to Google Alerts you can get email alerts when anything new is found by Google with the search criteria you set. But don』t stop at your name. Also have searches for potential dates by including names of Girls you』ve found on Google. As well as that include the names of the bars and clubs in your city, town, village, truck stop so that if someone mentions they were out clubbing at 「The Dancing Donkey」 last night, you』ll know about it. Alerts help you to find local people. It might be good too to just have a Google Alert to notidy you if the local stalking laws in your area get updated. Just saying, is all.
6. Google Maps
Well Johnny is a nerd and a man. There』s no need to go the extra mile and email her the Google map. She』ll make it there by asking for directions if she gets lost. Yes, that』s what women do. Really. Google it if you don』t believe it. Arranging dates and finding locations using Google Maps is a good idea. Knowing where she lives or roughly and then using Google Maps to pick a nearby restaurant and bar is a better idea. That way you can walk her home and maybe just maybe she』ll invite you in for a coffee.
Also make sure the places you go and her place are not near your place. While you are happy to go to he place, you do not want her to be horrified if she visits your lair. All the cartoon posters and pizza boxes might put her off. Women also don』t like Thundercats bed sheets. Additionally, if it all goes pear shaped and she takes out that court order saying you are not to be within 400 feet of her, it would cut down on the embarassing moments when you bump into her in the local grocery store.
7. Google』s Orkut.
Another social networking site. Orkut is ancient Brazilian for 「place to find people who will have sex with you」. This is why Orkut is full of Brazilians.
Like all other social-networking aka cruising sites, you can take other parts of the Google dating plan and integrate them into this. Use your google email, google talk, use the 「improved」 photos from Picasa and link to your soft and bastard videos.
8. Google Calendar
You need a central place to remember the birthdays and times you are meeting the girls. Yes, girls. Plural. There』ll be more than one. Google is so powerful it turns you into a player. In fact, it』s even more powerful than that and you can go from a player to a playa. No, we don』t know the difference either. Thanks to the Google Calendar you can keep track of all of the dates and all of the times. Thanks Google!
9. Google Mobile
So you』re on the date and she is the well educated type. She uses big words like symbolic, quasi-judicial and laudable. Under the table just text Google Mobile and ask what she is on about.
Unfortunately the profiling with Google search won』t reveal everything about your date so Google Mobile will allow you to find out the name of that pansy poet she mentioned that she likes and you can quote from his poems and make it look like you』re quoting it from memory. She may also talk about current affairs and so not knowing anything outside of World of Warcraft and Dungeons and Dragons, you can google for that, right there from your phone.
10. Google Picasa
Google Picasa can be used for creating pictures of Johnny McCool which are very complimentary. Picasa is a quality picture/photo editing tool that Google provides for free.
It allows Johnny to take his existing photo of himself:
And improve it with no glasses, bluer eyes, blonder hair and bigger muscles:
11. Google Base
Google base is like the spare room in your house. Any and all kinds of shit are stored in there. Google sticks a search engine onto the front of it and will hire more PhDers to figure out what the fuck to do with the mess that is Google Base. It』s really like a Flea Market except you can also sell your soul to get some hole. Yes,
Google Base allows personals
. If you don』t like seeing naked pics of people then don』t click that … pointless finishing the sentence since you』ve left already with the naked promise. Just like Orkut, Google Base can be used to store your personal profile but it can also be used to store other content you create like podcasts and videos and pictures.
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