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有 63 位會員向 猜謎人 送花:
7369A (2007-12-28),86449 (2008-06-21),912456234 (2007-09-20),Admin1 (2008-01-04),Ajeffery (2009-01-18),albonchang (2008-01-08),anotherlevel (2007-07-25),B0927377710 (2008-07-14),cara551977 (2008-03-04),ccbear (2007-07-26),chenhan2603 (2007-07-25),chiu31 (2007-07-25),David722 (2007-07-25),David_1357 (2007-11-04),dddd (2007-12-24),dennis7213 (2007-09-13),ericssa321 (2008-06-26),fishiii (2008-07-26),gnat (2009-01-12),gozz (2008-11-13),grc45 (2007-10-08),jient (2007-08-13),john860504 (2007-08-26),K22514 (2007-07-25),KL-iris (2008-07-19),KT88 (2007-07-25),kyo111111 (2007-07-25),lardisign (2009-01-10),Living (2009-02-28),magicwoo (2008-12-27),mondex (2008-12-31),money (2009-05-24),NiGHTsC (2007-08-31),NKNK (2008-05-02),qdenise (2008-03-09),quasar (2007-07-26),r110319 (2008-11-27),rainfire (2009-01-18),rezard (2007-12-18),runonetime (2008-04-22),s8321414 (2007-12-27),Tamadbee (2007-07-26),terry168 (2007-07-25),tom710509 (2008-05-12),Tracy (2009-06-23),wangcolon (2007-08-21),willy123 (2007-08-02),yayaya (2007-07-27),zasiza (2007-07-26),zazoo (2009-06-21),ziber (2009-07-28),zxc8501 (2011-10-25),★阿辰★ (2008-08-01),亞瑟 (2009-02-10),微風輕狂 (2008-02-23),我愛一隻毛 (2008-03-26),戰神2001 (2008-08-18),放下是真功夫 (2008-07-26),珍妮熊 (2007-07-26),羅迪 (2007-11-26),莊孝偉 (2007-07-25),葉鎮宇 (2007-08-11),飛鳥 (2007-09-14)
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2009-01-20, 04:31 PM | #22501 (permalink) |
【歲月】 作詞:李子恆 作曲:李子恆 演唱:蔡幸娟 兒時的月亮有幾個 有兩個 一個在天空 一個在水中 兒時的星星有幾顆 有一百顆 數了一百就是一百顆 少年的我呀 月兒只一個 星星無數顆 如今的我呀 月亮不見了 星星沒半顆 兒時的歡樂有幾串 有兩串 一串在白天 一串在夜晚 兒時的幻想有幾甕 有兩甕 一甕在醒來 一甕在夢中 少年的我呀 歡樂只一串 幻想只一甕 如今的我呀 一串遺失了 兩甕亦空空 |
__________________ 百戰功成老太平 優柔誰肯苦爭衡 玉鞭金馬閒終日 明月清風富一生 |
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2009-01-20, 05:32 PM | #22503 (permalink) | |
老公仔歌陪你聽就是 |
送花文章: 1110,
有 7 位會員向 猜謎人 送花:
anotherlevel (2009-01-28),cara551977 (2009-01-20),mondex (2009-01-20),NKNK (2009-01-20),qdenise (2009-01-20),rainfire (2009-01-20),rezard (2009-02-10)
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2009-01-20, 06:10 PM | #22508 (permalink) |
Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues Use to be so easy To give my heart away But I found that the haeartache was the price you have to pay I found that that love is no friend of mine I should have know'n time after time So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you Use to be so easy Fall in love again But I found that the heartache It's a roll that leeds to pain I found that love is more than just a game Play and to win but you loose just the same So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you So many years since I seal you face You will my heart there's an emty space Used to be (SOLO) So long it was so long ago But I've still got the blues for you |
送花文章: 14708,
有 8 位會員向 NKNK 送花:
anotherlevel (2009-01-28),cara551977 (2009-01-20),K22514 (2009-01-20),mondex (2009-01-20),qdenise (2009-01-20),rainfire (2009-01-20),rezard (2009-02-10),uplander (2009-01-20)
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2009-01-20, 06:11 PM | #22509 (permalink) | |
露點圖 ______________________ 有一天大象走在路上,迎面走來一隻駱駝 大象就笑她說,哈哈,咪咪長在背上 駱駝也回嘴,閉嘴,你這個臉上長雞雞的 這時,一條蛇走過,笑笑 大象就很不爽說道,你這個臉長在雞雞上的沒資格笑 |
送花文章: 13876,
有 4 位會員向 rainfire 送花:
anotherlevel (2009-01-28),cara551977 (2009-01-20),K22514 (2009-01-20),rezard (2009-02-10)
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2009-01-20, 06:44 PM | #22514 (permalink) |
送花文章: 1110,
有 7 位會員向 猜謎人 送花:
anotherlevel (2009-01-28),cara551977 (2009-01-20),K22514 (2009-01-20),mondex (2009-01-20),qdenise (2009-01-20),rainfire (2009-01-20),rezard (2009-02-10)
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