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Intel CPU HY超執行緒 與OS的對應關系

win2k pro只支持2個CPU吧?server的應該沒問題。

2K Pro 支持 雙CPU!!!
不支持 單CPU 超執行緒吧?


Windows Support for Hyper-Threading Technology
Updated: May 1, 2003

Windows Support for Hyper-Threading Technology
This download white paper provides information about support for the Hyper-Threading Technology (HT) in the Microsoft® Windows® family of operating systems. It provides an overview of HT, details of dependencies on BIOS, a description of the Windows operating system license model for HT, details of the support features in Windows XP and Windows .NET Server, and guidelines for application developers on how to take advantage of the features and the performance benefits provided. This paper is intended for BIOS developers, OEM system manufacturers, and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) that produce multithreaded Windows applications, particularly those that use processor affinity.


The Windows operating systems that are supported for logo qualification on HT-enabled systems include:
• All versions of Windows 2000
• All 32-bit versions of Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family

4.1 Operating Systems That Are Not Hyper-Threading Aware (Windows 2000)
All versions of the Windows 2000 operating system are fully compliant with HT and should run without error on HT-enabled systems. However, neither Windows 2000 nor any of its service packs support the identification of HT processors.The type of modifications that are required for HT processor identification and support are not typically supported in a service pack. There are no plans to introduce this support in any future Windows 2000 service pack.
As a result, Windows 2000 treats each logical processor as if it were an individual physical processor. The operating system attempts to start each logical processor in the sequence in which it was listed by the BIOS until the number of processors that have been started is equal to the processor license limit for that version of the operating system. Table 1 shows the processor limits for Windows 2000 versions.
Windows 2000 Version Maximum Processor Limit
Windows 2000 Professional 2
Windows 2000 Standard Server 4
Windows 2000 Advanced Server 8
Windows 2000 Datacenter Server 32

我的機器是Intel cpu SP4 PRO,為什也是倆CPU?
想知道這個問題的最終答案,os Win2000支持雙CPU是肯定,認為只要CPU支持HT,主機板BIOS將HT相關的選項開啟後,之後安裝的系統就應該支持HT,和系統支持雙CPU道理應該是一樣的,不然的情況怎麼解釋呢?
一直不知道這個問題,P4 2.8C,win2000+sp4,顯示效能也是有兩個CPU的,這不是超執行緒,HT=Hyper-Threading
想問一下說不支持的,你用過麼,這win2000 ad server sp4 cpu 2.4 intel怎麼都支持............

windows 2000和windows XP對Hyper threading的支持不一樣. WinXP是native support, 就是系統內核就能識別物理CPU和邏輯CPU, 能對此作相應的調度調整. 所以按Intel和M$的說法, 能充分發揮HT的特點.

Windows 2000不能區分邏輯和物理CPU, 但具有HT能力的Intel CPU能在windows 2000上模擬多出一個CPU, 因此windows 2000上執行的應用程式也能從中收益, Intel發怖的測試包括說, 最大效率提升是30%左右.
所以, 以一般來講..泛泛而言, 你如只安裝於....OS windows 2000也能"支持"HT超執行緒, 但非native(原生)支持.
psac 目前離線  
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