舊 2004-10-05, 05:43 AM   #1
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
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註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
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預設 博客動向難逃 用SharpReader既時掌控訊息


  SharpReader是一款廣受博客歡迎的RSS(Really Simple Syndication)閱讀軟體,它能讓您不用訪問Blog網站,直接在電腦上象收信一樣收集Blog最新的消息。SharpReader軟體只有795Kb大小,您可以在http://www.onlinedown.net/soft/27357.htm下載到這款軟體。如果您想要使用該軟體,還需要安裝24Mb大小的.NET Framework支持,沒法子這是因為SharpReader是由.NET Framework 開發的應用程式。如果您是編程人員很有可能安裝了.NET Framewor,如果您沒有安裝這款軟體,您可以前往微軟官方網站下載該軟體。

  安裝軟體:執行後,在軟體上方的Address欄中輸入Blog網站的Rss位址(RSS位址通常在各大Blog網站上有個橘紅色的 XML標記),然後Enter鍵。之後您會看到Tiltle這一欄會列出Blog站點博客們最新發表的文章。文章列表還可以通過工作列的「重新整理」按鈕來進行重新整理。

  RSS訂閱(Subscribe Feed):在瀏覽Blog網站的文章列表時,點擊工作列的「Subscribe」選項,您就可以輕鬆訂閱RSS訊息了。通過RSS訂閱,您再也不用每次都輸入RSS位址了。這一功能猶如IE瀏覽器的收藏夾功能,以後開啟SharpReader後直接就可以點選Blog網站進行閱讀瀏覽。

  快捷搜尋:軟體右上方有一個搜尋欄,通過在文字框內輸入關鍵詞,您可以在文章顯示列表中迅速找到您所要找到的文章。另外搜尋功能還有一個功能,如果您只知道Blog站的網址卻不知道它的RSS位址時,這時您可以輸入網站域名的核心字,比如中國博客網(http: //www.Blogcn.com/),您可以用「Blogcn」做為關鍵字進行搜尋。SharpReader會通過Feedster搜尋引擎自動搜尋到網站的RSS位址,然後把文章列表顯示出來,這點對喜歡拜訪多個Blog站的博客來說非常重要。


  定時重新整理:要想及時瞭解博客們最新寫的Blog,當然離不開及時的重新整理,SharpReader提供了定時重新整理功能。選項「Tool|Feed propertise」選項,隨後在軟體的左下角會出現內容視窗。我們可以在這裡邊對Feed的內容進行設定,包括給Feed命名,設定重新整理時間等。

Main features
Handles all RSS versions, ATOM, modules like dublin core, content:encoding, xhtml:body, etc.
Advanced threading support allowing you to view connected items together in a threaded fashion. SharpReader detects and shows connections between items if they have same link, if one item links to another, if two items both link to the same external webpage, or if an item has comments (for feeds supporting the <wfw:commentrss> standard).
Group subscribed feeds into custom categories.
Feed settings like refresh-rate and purge timeout can be set per feed or per category. Category-wide settings apply to all feeds in that category that are still set to "Default" for the setting in question.
Dialog-less way of subscribing to new feeds - just drag a link from your browser into SharpReader, or enter the url into the address-bar at the top.
Feedster integration to easily search weblogs and newssites for specific terms, and even subscribe to such a search to be notified of new results.
Support for proxy-servers and proxy authentication.
Reduces bandwidth by using HTTP Conditional GETs and gzip/deflate encoding.
Minimizes to the system-tray.
Systray popup when new items arrive (can be disabled on a per-feed or per-category basis through the properties pane).
Easy keyboard navigation to go the next or previous unread item.
Import and export your subscriptions using OPML.
Filter items.
International Character-set support.
HTTP Authentication support.


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