作者: NiGHTsC
可是,如果只用 LOCALHOST 的話,別人怎麼進來我的網站???
我有試過用別台電腦打 nightsc.no-ip.com ,也是不行耶…>_<!!
謝謝 mancool 大大的幫忙了…
Open your PC > Start your Apache > Start your MySQL > Start your no-ip program > Wait for aseond > Open your IE or Mozila > type "http://nightsc.no-ip.com" > case 1: you can see on your broswer (Apache defualt PC), people can see your home page directly; case 2: you can see on your broswer, but people cannot see any thing outside your PC.
In case 1, you can do nothing but coffee
; case 2, maybe you have to change port 80 to 8080 in httpd.conf
I hope that can help you. More detail when I have stay at home ~~~~~~~~