MyEclipse is a series of integrated Eclipse plugins focusing primarily on improving developers' productivity by simplifying development lifecycle in the delivery of Web, J2EE, XML, JSP and Struts applications. The Download section currently maintains several builds for Eclipse 2.1.* and 3.0. Please make sure to select the appropriate directory for your Eclipse version and to download the correct version for your platform. Currently supported platforms include Windows, Linux and Mac OSX.
The latest release of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench, version 3.8.3 GA for Eclipse 3.0/3.0.1, is now available for immediate download at the MyEclipse website ( This release builds on existing RAD and visual development features by add a new ERD viewer as the first step toward full visual database development. 3.8.3 also includes the following features and enhancements:
New Oracle database browser for events, triggers and store procedures
JSTL 1.1 support
Struts 1.2 support
Full featured rich-client application and connector for Bugzilla
Remote deployment with full debugging
Highly customizable deployment support for EAR, EJB, Web, and library projects
Please review our New and Noteworthy section and the Release Notes for additional details on enhancements and bug fixes included in this release. Please note that support for Macintosh will be available in approximately one week, due to a platform specific bug (Eclipse bug # 67384) that impacted some of the new visual development features.
MyEclipse 3.8.3 now includes comprehensive documentation for all major features available through the Eclipse help system. In addition,we have updated the MyEclipse site with a Quick start library covering the key areas of MyEclipse
安裝好以後,開啟eclipse->window->pref..-〉j2ee-〉sub..... 然後再這裡填入 -〉apply就ok了
Window->Preferences->MyEclipse->Subscription->Enter Subscription
sub: hello
sub code: uAR7ZL-835-56-54678656396403716
MyEclipse是一款功能豐富的J2EE整合開發環境,包括了完備的編碼、偵錯、測試和發怖功能,完整支持HTML, Struts, JSF, CSS, Javascript, SQL, Hibernate。Linux版本一款提供了全生命期支持的J2EE整合開發環境。對編寫程式碼,組態,測試,偵錯全程支持。原有的網路開發工具:Smart HTML, Structs, JSF, CSS, javascript, SQL, Hibernate. J2EE編輯器,具有自動完成與語法高亮顯示功能。