舊 2005-03-04, 01:00 PM   #4 (permalink)
羅迪 的頭像
UID - 2782
在線等級: 級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時級別:64 | 在線時長:4452小時 | 升級還需:33小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-06
住址: 香港
文章: 1022
精華: 0
現金: 9229 金幣
資產: 365927 金幣

When Backdoor.IRC.Zcrew.B is executed, it performs the following actions:
Drops the following files in the C:\WINNT\system32\wbem\repository\fs\macromed folder:

Spoolsv.exe- a Serv-U FTP server, packed with UPX

The following instructions pertain to all current and recent Symantec antivirus products, including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton AntiVirus product lines.Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP).
Update the virus definitions.
Do one of the following:
Windows 95/98/Me: Restart the computer in Safe mode.
Windows NT/2000/XP: End the Trojan process.
Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Backdoor.IRC.Zcrew.B or IRC Trojan. Delete the folder C:\WINNT\system32\wbem\repository\fs\macromed.
Reverse the changes that the Trojan made to the registry.
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