'********** 當有資料送達時 **********
Private Sub Winsock1_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim sMsgCheck As String
Dim sMsgString As String
Dim loc As Integer
Winsock1.GetData sMsgString, vbString, bytesTotal
sMsgCheck = Mid(sMsgString, 1, 1)
sMsgString = Mid(sMsgString, 2, Len(sMsgString) - 1)
Select Case sMsgCheck
Case "A" '棋子訊息
loc = CInt(sMsgString)
subDrawChess loc, Not bIfServer
lblMsg.Caption = "換你下"
bYourTurn = True
If funIfResult Then '判斷輸贏
subShowScore '秀出戰績
cmdNewRound.Enabled = True
bYourTurn = False
End If
Case "B" '聊天訊息
lblOneSay.Caption = sMsgString
Case "C" '對方的暱名
If bIfServer = True Then
lblOnesName.Caption = "XX " & sMsgString
lblOnesName.Caption = "OO " & sMsgString
End If
Case "D" '新回合
Case "E" '離線結束
lblCState.Caption = "對方已經離線"
lblOneSay.Caption = ""
lblOnesName.Caption = ""
cmdSend.Enabled = False
End Select
End Sub
'********** 按下 Enter 時 **********
Private Sub txtMsg_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 And cmdSend.Enabled = True Then Call cmdSend_Click
End Sub
'********** 畫棋盤線 **********
Private Sub subCanvas()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
j = picCanvas.ScaleWidth \ 3
For i = 1 To 2
picCanvas.Line (j * i, 0)-(j * i, picCanvas.ScaleHeight), vbBlue
picCanvas.Line (0, j * i)-(picCanvas.ScaleWidth, j * i), vbBlue
picCanvas.Picture = picCanvas.Image
End Sub
'********** 新回合 **********
Private Sub subNewRound()
Dim i As Integer
Dim sum As Integer
For i = 0 To 8
iLocChess(i) = 0
For i = 0 To 2
sum = sum + iScore(i)
sum = sum Mod 2
If sum = 0 Then
If bIfServer = True Then
bYourTurn = True
lblMsg.Caption = "你先下"
bYourTurn = False
lblMsg.Caption = "對方先下"
End If
If bIfServer = True Then
bYourTurn = False
lblMsg.Caption = "對方先下"
bYourTurn = True
lblMsg.Caption = "你先下"
End If
End If
cmdNewRound.Enabled = False
End Sub
'********** 透出戰績 **********
Private Sub subShowScore()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 2
lblResult(i).Caption = Str(iScore(i)) & " " & Right(lblResult(i).Caption, 2)
End Sub
'********** 判斷輸贏 **********
Private Function funIfResult() As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
Dim win(0 To 7) As Integer
Dim bIfDraw As Boolean '是否平手
' 0 1 2
' 3 4 5
' 6 7 8
win(0) = iLocChess(0) + iLocChess(1) + iLocChess(2)
win(1) = iLocChess(3) + iLocChess(4) + iLocChess(5)
win(2) = iLocChess(6) + iLocChess(7) + iLocChess(8)
win(3) = iLocChess(0) + iLocChess(3) + iLocChess(6)
win(4) = iLocChess(1) + iLocChess(4) + iLocChess(7)
win(5) = iLocChess(2) + iLocChess(5) + iLocChess(8)
win(6) = iLocChess(0) + iLocChess(4) + iLocChess(8)
win(7) = iLocChess(2) + iLocChess(4) + iLocChess(6)
For i = 0 To 7
If win(i) = 3 Then '你輸了
iScore(1) = iScore(1) + 1
lblMsg.Caption = "你輸了!"
funIfResult = True
Exit Function
ElseIf win(i) = 30 Then '你贏了
iScore(0) = iScore(0) + 1
lblMsg.Caption = "你贏了!"
funIfResult = True
Exit Function
End If
bIfDraw = True
For i = 0 To 8
If iLocChess(i) = 0 Then bIfDraw = False
If bIfDraw = True Then
iScore(2) = iScore(2) + 1
lblMsg.Caption = "平手!"
funIfResult = True
End If
End Function
'********** 畫棋子 **********
Private Sub subDrawChess(ByVal loc As Integer, ByVal chess As Boolean)
Dim cellW As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim S As Integer
cellW = picCanvas.ScaleWidth \ 3
X = cellW / 2 + (loc Mod 3) * cellW
Y = cellW / 2 + (loc \ 3) * cellW
S = cellW \ 3
If chess Then
picCanvas.Circle (X, Y), S, vbBlue
If bIfServer Then iLocChess(loc) = 10 Else iLocChess(loc) = 1
picCanvas.Line (X - S, Y - S)-(X + S, Y + S), vbRed
picCanvas.Line (X - S, Y + S)-(X + S, Y - S), vbRed
If bIfServer Then iLocChess(loc) = 1 Else iLocChess(loc) = 10
End If
End Sub