1.執行windows update,並把重要項目完全更新
2.使用ad-aware,掃瞄前並先行更新,確認看到no update
3.網路斷線,ctrl-alt-del 處理程序內,先關閉有問題的軟體,關閉防毒軟體
4.run msconfig 把啟動項目內,有問題的勾勾去除
This is a heuristic detection which may detect either viruses or trojans. If a sample is detected as New Malware.j then it is likely that the system is currently infected and has virus or trojan processes running.
Symptoms of malware vary greatly. Some common symptoms which may be observed in the case of New Malware.j detections are as follows.
Unknown processes are running.
Unknown ports are open.
Reduced system performance