舊 2005-12-09, 03:03 AM   #1
UID - 248756
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註冊日期: 2003-02-06
VIP期限: 2007-04
住址: 台北.中和
文章: 507
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資產: 670 金幣
預設 組合語言的問題?

星期五12/9 要交作業了...拜託幫個忙吧..

x1 QWORD 0A02B000190008400h
x2 QWORD 0800187008000A904h
sum BYTE 9 DUP(?)

1. Write an assembly program to do an extended addition of two integers
2. You may assume that the two integers are unsigned
3. Use the DumpMem (described in textbook pages 141-146) in Irvine32.inc
to display the sum.
4. Note that the integers are stored in little-endian order in the memory.
5. The instructions that may be used :
(1.)ADC : Add with carry flag, for example:
ADC dest source ; dest = dest + source + CF
(2.)CLC : Clear Carry Flag, means Set CF = 0
(3.)STC : Set Carry Flag, means Set CF = 1
kinco 目前離線  
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