舊 2006-10-19, 06:28 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Sun稱Java 6解決許多問題,與Vista完美相容

為了駁斥Java與未來的Vista操作系統不相容的傳聞,近日,Sun微系統公司表示,將於今年11月推出的Java 6.0標準版本與Vista的相容會很好.

  Sun公司負責Java桌面架構的主管Chet Haase稱:「Vista與XP相比,有許多的調整,因此,我們需要進行調整以適應新的系統.」微軟Windows推薦基金會的軟件架構師 Greg Schechter在最近的博客中稱:「有人發現,當他們在瀏覽器中執行Java語言時,Aero和桌面會出現相容問題.」隨後,Sun開始關注這一問題,並否認Windows桌面管理器接入資源時需要拖曳桌面.此前的Java SE 5.0與Vista協作時會存在相容故障,但不會使Windows桌面管理器禁用.

  在Vista測試版本推出期間,Java SE 6進行了大量的相容測試,並修正了一些問題.微軟 Visual Studio部門的產品主管Jaye Roxe稱:「我們支持開發者針對Vista系統進行研究,並很高興地看到Java在與Vista的協作方面取得了很好的效果.

Nvidia ForceWare 96.85 For Windows Vista RC2 (X64/X86) WHQL *October 17, 2006*
Nvidia ForceWare 96.85 For Windows Vista RC2 (X64/X86) WHQL *October 17, 2006*
NVIDIA has released the following WHQL certified drivers for use with Windows Vista RC2 that will enable you to test the basic features and capabilities of the new operating system.
Release Highlights:
These drivers are only compatible with Windows Vista RC2 build 5744 and higher, and should not be used with other versions of Windows Vista.
Includes the new NVIDIA Control Panel. Please visit the NVIDIA Control Panel website for more information.
Includes OpenGL driver for compatibility testing.
Improved application compatibility and performance.
For a full list of fixes issues, please view the Release Notes.
Release Notes - 96.85
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