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作者: zat5401 查看文章
那個範例並沒有local_root 的選項,如果說有兩個local user 是test1 和test2,那是不是要設兩個?local_root=/etc/home/test1 local_root=/etc/home/test2 或是可以設成 local_root=/etc/home/$user


local_root 不是這樣子用的

如果你設定 local_root = /home/vsftpd

則 test1 的設定檔為 /home/vsftpd/test1
而 test2 的設定檔為 /home/vsftpd/test2

你想要做的是 virtual user 吧?
你是不是想要給不同的使用者、不同的 chroot directory?
vsftpd 沒辦法直接做到,要做一些額外的設定,例如 BDB(Berkeley db)

請參考 /usr/share/doc/vsfptd-xxx/EXAMPLE


This example shows how to set up vsftpd / PAM with "virtual users".
A virtual user is a user login which does not exist as a real login on the
system. Virtual users can therefore be more secure than real users, beacuse
a compromised account can only use the FTP server.

Virtual users are often used to serve content that should be accessible to
untrusted users, but not generally accessible to the public.

Step 1) Create the virtual users database.
We are going to use pam_userdb to authenticate the virtual users. This needs
a username / password file in "db" format - a common database format.
To create a "db" format file, first create a plain text files with the
usernames and password on alternating lines.
See example file "logins.txt" - this specifies "tom" with password "foo" and
"fred" with password "bar".
Whilst logged in as root, create the actual database file like this:

db_load -T -t hash -f logins.txt /etc/vsftpd_login.db
(Requires the Berkeley db program installed).
NOTE: Many systems have multiple versions of "db" installed, so you may
need to use e.g. db3_load for correct operation. This is known to affect
some Debian systems. The core issue is that pam_userdb expects its login
database to be a specific db version (often db3, whereas db4 may be installed
on your system).

This will create /etc/vsftpd_login.db. Obviously, you may want to make sure
the permissions are restricted:

chmod 600 /etc/vsftpd_login.db

For more information on maintaing your login database, look around for
documentation on "Berkeley DB", e.g.

Step 2) Create a PAM file which uses your new database.

See the example file vsftpd.pam. It contains two lines:

auth required /lib/security/pam_userdb.so db=/etc/vsftpd_login
account required /lib/security/pam_userdb.so db=/etc/vsftpd_login

This tells PAM to authenticate users using our new database. Copy this PAM
file to the PAM directory - typically /etc/pam.d/

cp vsftpd.pam /etc/pam.d/ftp

Step 3) Set up the location of the files for the virtual users.

useradd -d /home/ftpsite virtual
ls -ld /home/ftpsite
(which should give):
drwx------ 3 virtual virtual 4096 Jul 30 00:39 /home/ftpsite

We have created a user called "virtual" with a home directory "/home/ftpsite".
Let's add some content to this download area:

cp /etc/hosts /home/ftpsite
chown virtual.virtual /home/ftpsite/hosts

Step 4) Create your vsftpd.conf config file.

See the example in this directory. Let's go through it line by line:


This disables anonymous FTP for security, and enables non-anonymous FTP (which
is what virtual users use).


These ensure that for security purposes, no write commands are allowed.


This makes sure that the virtual user is restricted to the virtual FTP area
/home/ftpsite we set up above.


The guest_enable is very important - it activates virtual users! And
guest_username says that all virtual users are mapped to the real user
"virtual" that we set up above. This will also determine where on the
filesystem the virtual users end up - the home directory of the user
"virtual", /home/ftpsite.


This puts vsftpd in "standalone" mode - i.e. not running from an inetd. This
means you just run the vsftpd executable and it will start up. This also
makes vsftpd listen for FTP requests on the non-standard port of 10021 (FTP
is usually 21).


These put a port range on passive FTP incoming requests - very useful if
you are configuring a firewall.

Copy the example vsftpd.conf file to /etc:

cp vsftpd.conf /etc/

Step 5) Start up vsftpd.

Go to the directory with the vsftpd binary in it, and:


If all is well, the command will sit there. If all is not well, you will
likely see some error message.

Step 6) Test.

Launch another shell session (or background vsftpd with CTRL-Z and then "bg").
Here is an example of an FTP session:

ftp localhost 10021
Connected to localhost (
220 ready, dude (vsFTPd 1.1.0: beat me, break me)
Name (localhost:chris): tom
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful. Have fun.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> pwd
257 "/"
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,117,135)
150 Here comes the directory listing.
226 Transfer done (but failed to open directory).
ftp> size hosts
213 147

The password we gave was "foo".
Do not be alarmed by the "failed to open directory". That is because the
directory /home/ftpsite is not world readable (we could change this
behaviour if we wanted using anon_world_readable_only=NO but maybe we want
it this way for security.
We can see that we have access to the "hosts" file we copied into the virtual
FTP area, via the size command.

This example shows how to extend the "VIRTUAL_USERS" example to reflect
a slightly more complex setup.

Let's assume that we want two types of virtual user - one that can only browse
and download content, and another that can upload new content as well as
download existing content.

To achieve this setup, we can use use of vsftpd's powerful per-user
configurability (new in v1.1.0).

In the previous virtual user example, we created two users - tom and fred.
Let's say that we want fred to have write access to upload new files whilst
tom can only download.

Step 1) Activate per-user configurability.

To activate this powerful vsftpd feature, add the following to

And, create this directory:

mkdir /etc/vsftpd_user_conf

Step 2) Give tom the ability to read all files / directories.

At the end of the last example, we noted that the virtual users can only
see world-readable files and directories. We could make the /home/ftpsite
directory world readable, and upload files with world-read permission. But
another way of doing this is giving tom the ability to download files which
are not world-readable.

For the tom user, supply a config setting override for

echo "anon_world_readable_only=NO" > /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/tom

Check it out - login as tom and now "ls" will return a directory listing!
Log in as fred and it won't.
NOTE - restart vsftpd to pick up the config setting changes to
/etc/vsftpd.conf. (Advanced users can send SIGHUP to the vsftpd listener

Step 3) Give fred the ability to read all files / directories and create
new ones but not interfere with existing files.

echo "anon_world_readable_only=NO" > /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/fred
echo "write_enable=YES" >> /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/fred
echo "anon_upload_enable=YES" >> /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/fred

Check it out - login as tom and you can't upload. Log in as fred and you can!
Try and delete a file as both tom and fred - you can't.

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