我打算加入office 的word 和powerpoint 影音剪輯Acrobat ReadeR Spyware Doctor
像Semson’s WinPE繁體中文這麼做哪裡錯?
做Windows XPE LiveDvD Windows XP Preinstalled Environment (PE-Builder + XPE Plugin) 的ISO檔
At the main PE Builder dialog, disable the "Burn to CD" option and click on "Build" button.
building process we can burn the ISO file to CD, boot from this CD
Start the building process by clicking on the Builder button to start building BartPE. This will take a few minutes. You will see a lot of files getting copied and/or decompressed, the ISO image build.
After the building process we can burn the ISO file to CD, boot from this CD!
所以我乾脆把C:\PROgames files\ 當做SOURCE