2007-12-04, 12:29 AM
#2 (permalink)
中文化 作者
2007-12-3 更新至 V1.6.15。
--- New features ---
‧Windows RC: FILEDATA items will be scanned and you can translate those. You can also exclude them from the builded RC-file.
‧Block exclude tags added to source code localization.
--- Bug fixes ---
‧Clipped text validation works rightly in Windows dialogs.
‧HTML: space after <br> tags are removed.
‧VCL: If the DRC file was in use and some resourcestring were located in a unit that started with '_' letter the scanning failed.
‧VB: New line _ character was sometime missing in the localized file causing an invalid file to written.
‧.NET: Writing localized .resx file did not use language cascading properly (fi-FI-Savo -> fi-FI -> fi -> en).
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