舊 2008-01-25, 01:03 AM   #5 (permalink)
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UID - 261912
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註冊日期: 2007-02-07
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作者: HULEN 查看文章
請問這段字串是在哪裡出現的?因為從以前到現在,SL 的工作團隊總是有出過一些紕漏,像是原始字串的英文本身就有錯誤,導致程式沒有讀到正確的資料。或是原始的翻譯檔更新速度總是比較慢(國外軟體的通病)。
在字串表,1.6.10 (或更早) 就有了:

61920, "No URL was specified for 'GET'"
61921, "Invalid url '%s' - only supports 'http' and 'https' schemes"
61922, "Method has no RTTI"
61923, "Unsuppported variant type %d"
61924, "varDispatch type not supported"
61925, "varError type not supported"
61926, "TAggregateStream Error: no internal streams"
61927, "method not supported"
61928, "Insufficient data for Content-Length"
61929, "Error reading from Mime Request Stream"
61930, "No access to temporary file"
61931, "Unable to load WSDL File/Location: %s. Error [%s]"
61936, "Soap header %s with attribute 'mustUnderstand' set to true was not handled"
61937, "Interface %s has no RTTI"
61938, "Parameter %s on Method %s of Interface %s has no RTTI"
61939, "Invalid date string: %s"
61940, "Invalid time string: %s"
61941, "Invalid hour: %d"
61942, "Invalid minute: %d"
61943, "Invalid second: %d"
61944, "Invalid millisecond: %d"
61945, "Invalid hour offset: %d"
61946, "Invalid day: %d"
61947, "Invalid month: %d"
61948, "Invalid duration string: %s"
61949, "Hour Offset portion of time invalid"
61950, "%s is not a valid hex string"
61951, "Invalid HTTP Request: Length is 0"
61952, "Unable to retrieve the URL endpoint for Service/Port '%s'/'%s' from WSDL '%s'"
61953, "Datatype of TypeKind: %s not supported as argument for remote invocation"
61954, "Must enable multiref output for objects when serializing a graph of objects - (%s)"
61955, "Conversion from class %s to SOAP is not supported - SOAP classes must derive from TRemotable"
61956, "Internal error: data type kind %s not expected in this context"
61957, "Received content of invalid Content-Type setting: %s - SOAP expects 'text/xml'"
61958, "Array Node: %s has too many elements"
61959, "DocumentElement %s:%s expected, %s:%s found"
61960, "Too many parameters in method %s"
61961, "Element of Array type %s has no RTTI"
61962, "Invalid SOAP Response"
61963, "Type cannot be cast as Variant"
61964, "Error Processing Header (%s)%s"
61965, "SOAP Response Packet: result element expected, received '%s'"
61966, "No Native to Message converter set"
61967, "No Message processing node set"
61968, "Facets and Enumeration not allowed on this kind of datatype '%s'"
61969, "Invalid built-in type name '%s'"
61970, "Unsupported SOAP encodingStyle %s"
61971, "Invalid SOAP request"
61972, "Invalid SOAP response"
61973, "Multiple body elements not supported"
61974, "Remote Method Call: unsupported calling convention %s for method %s on interface %s"
61975, "Remotable Type %s not registered"
61976, "Type mismatch in parameter %s"
61977, "No method named '%s' is supported by interface '%s'"
61978, "Interface not registered, UUID = %s"
61979, "Interface has no RTTI, UUID = %s"
61980, "No WSDL document associated with WSDLView"
61981, "Invalid WSDL document '%s' - Please verify the location and content!\nError: %s"
61982, "Empty document"
61983, "No WSDL or URL property was set in the THTTPRIO component. You must set the WSDL or URL property before invoking the Web Service"
61984, "ItemTag property is not initialized"
61985, "Node is readonly"
61986, "Refresh is only supported if the FileName or XML properties are set"
61987, "FileName cannot be blank"
61989, "Invalid or unsupported XML Schema document"
61990, "Local type declarations cannot have a name. Element: %s"
61991, "Unknown datatype '%s'"
61992, "Invalid group declaration in '%s'"
61993, "Missing Type name"
61994, "Invalid complex type derivation: %s"
61995, "Name not allowed on a ref item"
61996, "Global scheam items may not contain a ref"
61997, "%s cannot be set on a ref item"
61998, "Set the GroupRef property for the cmGroupRef content model"
61999, "ContentModel not set"
62000, "Invalid syntax"
62001, "Invalid modification"
62002, "Invalid namespace request"
62003, "Invalid access"
62004, "TransformNode most be called using a document node (not a document element) for the source and the stylesheet."
62005, "Error creating file '%s'"
62006, "Unhandled Xerces DOM error (no message available): %d"
62007, "DOM Error: "
62008, "No active document"
62009, "Node '%s' not found"
62010, "IDOMNode required"
62011, "Attributes are not supported on this node type"
62012, "Invalid node type"
62013, "Mismatched paramaters to RegisterChildNodes"
62014, "Element does not contain a single text node"
62015, "DOM Implementation does not support IDOMParseOptions"
62016, "Property or Method '%s' is not supported by DOM Vendor '%s'"
62017, "Node cannot be null"
62018, "Microsoft MSXML is not installed"
62019, "Error downloading URL: %s"
62020, "Unable to load %s"
62021, "Invalid string offset"
62022, "Invalid DOMString size"
62023, "Cannot insert child node"
62024, "Node is owned by a different document"
62025, "Invalid character in name"
62026, "No data allowed"
62027, "No modification allowed (readonly data)"
62028, "Node not found"
62029, "Not supported"
62030, "Attribute already associated with another element"
62031, "Invalid state"
62045, "'%s' DOMImplementation already registered"
62046, "No matching DOM Vendor: '%s'"
62047, "Selected DOM Vendor does not support this property or method"
yoyo007 目前離線  
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