舊 2008-04-03, 08:14 PM   #1
中文化 作者
UID - 261912
在線等級: 級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時級別:8 | 在線時長:105小時 | 升級還需:12小時
註冊日期: 2007-02-07
文章: 438
精華: 0
現金: 10684 金幣
資產: 16404 金幣
Arrow Sisulizer 1.6.23 企業版

■ 軟體說明:

∥檔案大小:20.2 MB (21,270,924 位元組)
∥中 文 化:YoYo


■ 軟體簡介:

Sisulizer 跟 Heaven 兄翻譯的 Multilizer 軟體本地化工具相似;您只要三個步驟:掃瞄應用程式來源並定位好文字;使用 Sisulizer 的視覺化編輯工具翻譯;組建本地化目標,即可完成軟體本地化。


1. 修正了一些翻譯;非修改自官方的繁體中文語言檔;翻譯謬誤處,請不吝指正,謝謝。

2. 基於使用者的選擇權利,在底下增加了官方的繁體中文語言檔載點,請自行挑選使用。

3. 軟體已綠化,所需的資料也內嵌在壓縮檔裡頭了,下載後解壓到任意位置,執行 [Sisulizer.exe] 即可;您可以在 [工具 -> 設定 -> 附加元件] 中,設定檔案關聯,其它細部選項,請自行配置。



--- New features ---

‧When adding .resx file or files to Sisulizer project the form or strings are now in the file node instead of inside a folder.
‧You can sen a minimum string width that will restrict the string to to autotranslated. For example value 3 means that all string length of 2 or less will not be autotranlated.
‧IBO Delphi components have been mapped.

--- Bug fixes ---

‧Windows C++ binary: Text of OCX controls in DLGINIT will not be modified.
‧Sometimes during closing Sisulizer it gave an access error.
‧VB.NET: If a form had a custom namespace Sisulizer used wrong formname in the satellite assembly and .NET runtime could not find it.
‧VB: If translator enterer new line (CR+LF) in the translation it was incorrectly written to .frm file.
‧VB: If VB source code contained combined strings:
‧"One" + Chr(10) + Chr(13) + "Two"
‧they were not extracted as one string.
‧Importing .mld file containing Traditional Chinese encoded as Ansi failed because data was imported as Simplified Chinese.
‧HTML Help: Localized CHM files always contained binary index even if the original CHM did not.
‧HTML Help: Sisulizer did not read the second Name attribute in the index data.
■ 檔案下載:

1.6.23 檔案下載:http://www.badongo.com/file/8607810

1.6.23 官方語系:http://www.mediafire.com/?lqrmnx02e1m

CENTURYS 網際論壇 中文化開發團隊
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