無故收到來路不明的 E-mail 這是有毒的,可不要隨便裝來用用喔
主旨:SuSoft SCR Maker
附加檔案:make_scr.zip(45.9KB) pxrovwz.txt (776個位元組)
The attached product is send as a part of our official campaign
for the popularity of our product.
You have been chosen to try a free fully functional sample of our
product.If you are satified then you can send it to your friends.
All you have to do is to install the software and register an account
with us using the links provided in the software. Then send this software
to your friends using your account ID and for each person who registers
with us through your account, we will pay you $1.5.Once your account reaches
the limit of $50, your payment will be send to your registration address by
check or draft.
Please note that the registration process is completely free which means
by participating in this program you will only gain without loosing anything.
Best Regards,
從 [ 軟體推薦分享下載區 ] 移到這裡 !