舊 2010-01-17, 05:36 AM   #35 (permalink)
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註冊日期: 2002-12-23
文章: 8173
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Dress-Up Your Pet

Dogs are a man′s best friend. They have many good characteristics, such as sincerity, loyalty, alertness and the ability to cope with their owners. Dogs work very hard to get compliments and to show their honour.

As positive feedback for their achievements, dogs may be reward with new clothes. For example, my wife always makes new clothes for our pet "Cookie". He feels very happy and fresh when he wears a colourful new dress. In the summer, short sporty clothing makes Cookie very agile. He can run very fast and his movements are quick, just like a flash. In the winter, he usually gets a sweater or a coat. All of Cookie's clothes are made by my wife. When my wife started to measure Cookie, he become very excited. This was evidence that Cookie appreciated his new image and that he was eager to show his friends. After Cookie puts on his new clothes, he walk very proud. It looks like he is a model showing off his new dress.

Based on my pet's reaction, I believe that a pet can earn its dignity by wearing a new dress. So why don't we let our pets dress up? Remember, once Cookie gets a new dress he performs funny actions to amuse us. Therefore, animals, like dogs, know how to show their appreciation.


此帖於 2010-03-13 07:17 AM 被 grc45 編輯.
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