再來一篇當年的每日晨間的寫作練習(時間30分鐘)- 題名為"I Have a Dream",當時的教授很欣賞本篇,特別用她充滿關愛的眼神望著我,一直想試探我是否退休以後真的要去作慈善或傳教事業;她給的評語是︰This is a very nice piece. Very insightful.(寫得好;洞悉力強﹗)註︰以自己的體驗寫的當然寫的得心應手;虛構的文章寫的自己裡外不是人。
Isn't this world disturbing enough? People kill people and warfare is never ending. Many countries are very poor, and there are many starving people who constantly worry about their next meals. Don't we have any solutions for these problems?
It is not wise to deal with challenges only through the government. Basically, politicians only care about their own interests. They are the most selfish creatures in the world. They bounce their cheques by giving excuses; push all of the responsibility on to others, and pretend they are the innocent ones. Instead of these non-productive organizations, I prefer to support Non Government Organizations. For instance, I have found that many religious groups are far better than any government organization. People trust non-profit organization and accept their generosity and fairness. They can work anywhere in the world without encountering political barriers. These organizations do their jobs well, and they can go anywhere in the world because of their positive reputations. These positive reputations are a convenient passport to enter the most needed areas. Thus, I have a dream. When I retire, I am going to do something similar to those religious charity groups. I would like to see people become happier, healthier and more hopeful.
In my life, I have been helped by many religious organizations. From their selfless contributions, I have learned about true love, faith and hope. We don't see any of these actions being performed by the government. Peaceful minds can only come from God and his teachings. If we follow God, we won't get lost!
此帖於 2010-01-19 03:48 PM 被 grc45 編輯.