舊 2013-04-15, 09:54 AM   #2 (permalink)
猜謎人 的頭像
UID - 14438
在線等級: 級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時級別:99 | 在線時長:10294小時 | 升級還需:106小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-19
住址: 虎爛宮解籤詩處
文章: 18702
現金: 10109 金幣
資產: 2886912 金幣

Overview of Process Monitor Capabilities

Process Monitor includes powerful monitoring and filtering capabilities, including:

More data captured for operation input and output parameters
Non-destructive filters allow you to set filters without losing data
Capture of thread stacks for each operation make it possible in many cases to identify the root cause of an operation
Reliable capture of process details, including image path, command line, user and session ID
Configurable and moveable columns for any event property
Filters can be set for any data field, including fields not configured as columns
Advanced logging architecture scales to tens of millions of captured events and gigabytes of log data
Process tree tool shows relationship of all processes referenced in a trace
Native log format preserves all data for loading in a different Process Monitor instance
Process tooltip for easy viewing of process image information
Detail tooltip allows convenient access to formatted data that doesn't fit in the column
Cancellable search
Boot time logging of all operations
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a471 (2013-04-15),runonetime (2013-04-15),丹楓 (2013-04-15)