Solutions for Photographing in Cold Weather
How the Cold Affects Your Camera (寒冷如何影響您的相機?此段短文中,敘述了關於低溫對電子式相機的影響)
Just as any other battery-reliant electronic device suffers in the cold, cameras, and especially their batteries, perform at less than full capacity in low temperatures. Batteries suffer in the cold due to the fact that the chemical reaction that occurs in order to provide power is slowed down in colder temperatures. This affects the overall output, because they will lose capacity more quickly due to the fact they are not able to facilitate the production of energy, once their process has been slowed down too much. The best way to work within this constraint is to carry backup batteries in an inside coat pocket while shooting in the cold. By having fresh, warm batteries available you will be able to quickly switch batteries as they lose power at a faster rate, due to the low temperature. Once a depleted battery is brought back to room temperature, it should function regularly again.