舊 2003-08-05, 06:36 PM   #3 (permalink)
psac 的頭像
UID - 3662
在線等級: 級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時級別:30 | 在線時長:1048小時 | 升級還需:37小時
註冊日期: 2002-12-07
住址: 木柵市立動物園
文章: 17381
現金: 5253 金幣
資產: 33853 金幣

What users are saying about Registry Crawler
Since the product was launched in mid 1998, we have received much feedback from users regarding Registry Crawler. Keep writing, we would love to hear from you. Here are a few selected quotes:
"4.0 is an awesome product upgrade - really a new product. You have taken a really great product and made it better. It always was one of my most favorite utilities. Now it really is a keeper!"
"I have a good deal of software that I depend upon, but none that is of greater value then your "Registry Crawler". I'd be lost without this fantastic Tool. With the use of this program I have pulled myself out of many jams."
"I want you to know that this is one of the most useful applications in my toolbox."
"Great program. Sure beats using REGEDIT to do searches. Love the Bookmarks, it's a big timesaver."
"Just downloaded it recently & started playing with it. It's much better for searching than REGEDIT"
"I love the program. It is really fast."
"I am presently trying Registry Crawler 1.0 and I think it's one of the best I've seen now."

Key Features
Search the Windows Registry for any piece of information quickly and easily. 5 times faster than REGEDIT!
Bookmark any key in the Registry and access it from the system tray.
Search & Replace Registry information on multiple computers within seconds.
Generate HTML or Text reports from your search results for easy printing, saving or analysis.
View search results in a list allowing you to jump to any of the keys with a single mouse click.
Fully integrated with the Windows REGEDIT tool.
Clipboard support for easy copying and pasting of Registry information.
Search Usenet (newsgroups) for any key or value you find in the Registry.
Search the Registry on multiple remote computers.
Delete multiple keys from the Registry with a single click (from the search results window)
Export multiple keys to a single .REG file.

What's new in version 4.5
The success of Registry Crawler and the excellent feedback we have received from end users has proven the superiority and uniqueness of our product. To further improve Registry Crawler we released version 4.5 which addresses issues brought to us by our existing customers.

New Features in 4.5:
Export multiple keys to one .REG file. Previous versions were limited to
exporting only one key at a time.
The Web Lookup feature was enhanced to include the 'Windows Registry Guide' web site as one of the lookup sources.
New feature allows you to export all your registry bookmarks for easy transfer from one computer to another.
New Windows XP look.
The 'Computers' dialog now supports multiple selection. Allows you to easily remove multiple computers from the list.
New Features in 4.0:

New and improved user interface. Keys, values and data are now displayed in a more readable format allowing you to quickly focus on the data you are looking for.
Search & Replace support was added. Now you can quickly search and replace Registry data on multiple computers.
A new feature allows you to quickly and easily specify which computers on your LAN are included in the search (checkboxes were added to the ‘Computers’ list).
A new Web lookup feature, allows you to search Usenet (newsgroups) for any key or value you find in the Registry. Many times you’ll find on Usenet information about what the key is for and how to configure it.
A new feature allows you view additional information about Registry entries (e.g.: The time the key was last modified)
The HTML report was enhanced to display Registry data in a more attractive and easy to read manner.
A new feature allows you to specify the action taken when a search result entry is double clicked or a hyperlink is pressed.
Accelerator support was added to the search results list. This includes support for the DELETE key (to delete an entry from the Registry), Control-C for copying a key to the Clipboard and Control-A for selecting all entries in the list.
An “Add All” button was added to the “Computers” Dialog to quickly search all the computers on your LAN.
When adding a new Registry bookmark, you can easily retrieve the currently selected key in REGEDIT (Eliminates the need to copy & paste long key names).
Registry Crawler 4.5 (Feb 5, 2003) - 4Developers LLC announces Registry Crawler 4.5 - Registry Crawler enables system administrators, developers and other power users to quickly find and configure Registry settings

Registry Crawler讓有權力的使用者及開發者可以快速的找到並省態正確的Registry登錄編輯器資料。一個有力的搜尋引擎讓你依照判斷找到相關的登錄資訊。顯示的結果會列出目前可修改的鍵值。Registry Crawler擁有內建的登錄編輯書籤,你可以將任何的鍵值加入到您的書籤中方便日後的找尋工作。日後就可以快速的找到常需修改的鍵值。
使用2.0版,Registry Crawler讓你可以簡單的查看到長鍵值名稱。使用者介面在這個版本被重新設計過。它多了一個「匯出至文字檔」的功能

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