舊 2004-02-20, 03:23 PM   #3 (permalink)
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這是最新的病毒 Copies itself as %Windir%\services.exe.
drives C through Z
Symantec Security Bulletin - Level 4 Virus W32.Netsk.B@mm

W32.Netsky.B@mm 對此病毒發出全球警告Level 4

W32.Netsky.B@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to send itself to the email addresses it finds when scanning the hard drives and mapped drives. This worm also searches drives C through Z for folder names containing "Share" or "Sharing," and then copies itself to those folders.

The Subject, Body, and email attachment vary.
說明與解毒 十分繁複 要手動改 自己看仔細了 無法自動 沒太子說的簡單 太子抱歉了

When W32.Netsky@mm runs, it does the following:

Creates a mutex named "AdmSkynetJKIS003." This mutex allows only one instance of the worm to execute.

Displays the following dialog box:

The file could not be opened!

Copies itself as %Windir%\services.exe.

Note: %Windir% is a variable. The worm locates the Windows installation folder (by default, this is C:\Windows or C:\Winnt) and copies itself to that location.
babayu 目前離線  
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