5.0 用4.0 keygen就可以註冊!
Mathematica v4.0 - 5.0 *KeyGen* v1.2
by Wolfram Inc.
v1.0 (C)racked 13-Sep-1999y by Hard Wisdom
v1.1 Updated 05-May-2001y by Hard Wisdom
[-] minor bugfix (there was 01% probabi-
lity to generate incorrect passwords)
[+] Mathematica v4.1 lacks 0-Style
licenses, so these ones were removed
v1.2 Updated 06-May-2001y by Hard Wisdom
[+] Added student's licenses
Open the keygen. In the Euro section (bottom half)
enter in any number in the license box (1 works fine)
choose style 23 and press generate.
Use that license number for the mathematica install.
(ie: entering 1 generates a license of L0000-0001 )
Change the keygen's math ID to match the one given by
mathematica if needed.
Press Generate.
Copy paste that password.
直接從mathematica的網站下個DEMO, 用keygen即可註冊為正版
使用Europe的license,註冊第一步填入姓名公司和License Number,格式為L0000-xxxx,xxxx為任意數位,然後下一步得到MathID,把MathID和License number填入註冊機(注意只填數位,不填字母L),Style選2,然後點Generate,得到password,回到註冊頁面填入Password即可。
註冊第一步填入姓名公司和License Number,格式為L0000-xxxx,xxxx為任意數位,然後下一步得到MathID,把MathID和License number填入註冊機(注意使用Europe的license,只填數位,不填字母L),style選2,然後點Generate,得到password,回到註冊頁面填入Password即可