主題: SPECWeb 99 ???
舊 2004-04-16, 11:48 AM   #2 (permalink)
UID - 50787
在線等級: 級別:9 | 在線時長:137小時 | 升級還需:3小時級別:9 | 在線時長:137小時 | 升級還需:3小時級別:9 | 在線時長:137小時 | 升級還需:3小時級別:9 | 在線時長:137小時 | 升級還需:3小時
註冊日期: 2003-03-21
VIP期限: 2009-05
文章: 11
精華: 0
現金: 5519 金幣
資產: 10519 金幣

目前執行後出現以下的問題,請問是否是Cadgen99與Upfgen99未解開,但這兩個Utilities要如何解開哩?而且Path 要放置在哪?

Validating all paths for rc

Checking Reset command with 'http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi.pl?command/Reset&maxload=10&pttime=100&maxthread=100&exp=1,100&urlroot=http://server1'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi...http://server1 with a Reset command request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 404 Not Found

Checking static GET with 'http://server1/file_set/dir00030/class3_3'
**ERROR**:Can't fetch file http://server1/file_set/dir00030/class3_3 with a static GET request
Did WAFGEN generate a large enough fileset?
Error: 404 Not Found

Checking dynamic GET with 'http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi.pl?/file_set/dir00030/class1_3'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi...00030/class1_3 with a dynamic GET request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 404 Not Found

Checking dynamic CGI GET with 'http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi.pl?/file_set/dir00030/class1_3'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi...00030/class1_3 with a dynamic CGI GET request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 404 Not Found

Checking dynamic custom ad (CAD) GET with 'http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi.pl?/file_set/dir00030/class1_3'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi...00030/class1_3 with a dynamic custom ad (CAD) GET request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 404 Not Found
**ERROR**: Can't open dyncadget.out fetched from dynamic CAD GET of No such file or directory
NOTE: errors in Custom Ad Rotation may be caused by problems in
command/Reset. Check that upfgen and cadgen get run correctly

Checking dynamic POST with 'http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi.pl?/file_set/dir00030/class1_3'
**ERROR**: Can't fetch file http://server1/cgi-bin/specweb99-cgi...00030/class1_3 with a dynamic POST request
Is DYNAMIC_ROOT (or DYN_xxx_SCRIPT) configured correctly?
Error: 405 Method Not Allowed
Jeanet 目前離線  
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