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![]() LINUX指令彙總
1.Account Management 帳號管理 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 adduser Create user account 新增使用者帳號 adduser (newuser) groupadd Create user group 新增群組 groupadd (newgroup) groupdel Delete user group 刪除群組 group (existgroup) passwd Change password 修改密碼 su Enable a user to temporarily become another user. Default user is root 臨時登入成另一使用者,預設值是 root useradd Create user account 新增使用者帳號 useradd (newuser) userdel Delete user account 刪除使用者帳號 userdel (existuser) whoami Who am I 檢視自己的 Login Name 2.Background Jobs 背景作業 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 % job number & execute the command background bg place the job from suspend to background CTRL-z interrupt a job and stop it (suspended) fg [%n] bring the specified job number from background to foreground jobs list the jobs being run in background kill [%n] kill the specified job number ps list all currently running process include background job 3.Basic Operation 基本操作 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 cd Stands for "change directory". Changes the current working directory. If no directory is specified, then the user is returned to their home directory 切換當前目錄 cd move to home directory cd ~ move to home directory cd .. move one directory up cd dirname change to a specific directory dirname clear Clear terminal screen 清除螢幕 dir same as "ls" without options ls Display Information about files and directories 列出檔案清單 ls display information in short format ls -l display information in long format ls -a display information for every file including hidden file in a directory man Display online help 顯示線上說明文件 man command pwd Report current directory 顯示目前的工作目錄 4.Compress & Decompress 壓縮及解壓 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 tar parameter 參數 -x expand the .tar file 解開 tar 檔案 -c create the tar file 打包成 tar 檔案 -z compress to / decompress from tar file 壓縮 / 解壓 -v display the output onscreen 顯示運作過程資訊 -f specify subdirectory and filename 指定子目錄與檔案 tar zxvf tarfile.tar.gz Decompress the compressed tar file to specify subdirectory and filename, display the output onscreen. * The first step to install application tar zcvf tarfile.tar.gz SubD/ Create a compress file, "SubD/" is the subdirectory to be compressed. * Useful to backup data such as user account etc... tar ztf tarfile.tar.gz view the content of tarfile.tar.gz 檢視壓縮檔案內容 zip Compress Files 壓縮檔案 zip myfiles *.txt unzip Decompress Files 解壓檔案 unzip myfiles 5.Files Management 檔案管理 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 cat Concatenates files 連接檔案 cat appendfile >> originalfile chmod Change the permissions mode of file or directory 改變檔案與目錄存取權限 chmod 755 (dirname) chmod ug+rx(dirname) cp Copy files 複製檔案 cp from-filename to-filename du Displays the amount of space being used by the specified directories or files 查看目前目錄所佔的硬碟空間 less Similar to more but allows backward movement 向上下翻頁顯示檔案(全螢幕) less filename ps | less ln Creates a symbolic link to a files 建立目標檔案連結 ln -s originalfile linkfile mkdir Create new directories 建立目錄 mkdir (newdirectory) more Display file contents in full screen and page by page 向下翻頁顯示檔案(全螢幕) more (filename) ps | more mv Move files 搬移檔案 mv (filename) (targetdirectory) rm Delete files 刪除檔案 rm (filename) rm -r (dirname) delete directory and files recursively rmdir Delete empty directories 刪除空目錄 rmdir (emptydirectory) 6.Filters 過濾器 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 grep Looks for patterns found in files and reports when these patterns are found 搜尋字串 ps aux | grep "sendmail" sort Sort and merge text files 排序 sort sorted.txt tr Translates or maps characters in a file from one form to another tr -d \015\032 linuxfile tr abc zyx 7.Login & Logout 登入及登出 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 login login 登入 [ctrl]+d logout and return to login screen 登出及返回登入畫面 logout logout and return to login screen 登出及返回登入畫面 exit logout and return to login screen 登出及返回登入畫面 su login to another user login session, default user is "root" 登入為另一用戶 rlogin Remote Login 遠端登入 8.Modules 模組 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 depmod Handle dependency description for loadable kernel Modules 處理模組間的依賴性。 modprob High level handling of loadable Modules 優化模組 - 裝上指定的模組及另一些沒有指 定,但必須用到的模組。 insmod Install loadable kernel Module 裝上指定的模組。 lsmod List Loaded Modules 列出所有裝上的模組。 rmmod Unload loadable Module 清除已裝上的指定模組。 lspci List all PCI devices include Mother Board Chipset 列出所有主機板上晶片組及 PCI 介面 9.Networking 網路工具 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 finger Displays information about users on the system 顯示使用者資料 finger finger (username) ifconfig Monitor and change the state of network interfaces 查閱與設定網路介面 ifdown Disconnect ppp connection 解除 ppp 連線 ifdown ppp0 ifup Connect ppp connection 接駁 ppp 連線 ifup ppp0 netstat displays the status of network connections on TCP, UDP, RAW or UNIX sockets to the system 觀察主機與其他電腦之間的連線狀況,封包傳 輸等資料 nslookup Queries the DNS to return information about specific hosts and networks 向 DNS 查詢主機與網路資訊 ping Requests packet echos from network hosts 測試網路連接狀況 telnet To access remote computers 操作遠端電腦 10.Setup 設定工具 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 kbdconfig Keyboard Configuration 鍵盤設定程式 linuxconf Linux Configuration, text mode and X-Win mode. Linux 設定程式 mouseconfig Mouse Configuration 滑鼠設定程式 netcfg Red Hat Linux network configuration tool, X-Win mode only. 紅帽 Linux 網路設定工具 netconf Network Configuration, text mode and X- Win mode. 網路設定程式 ntsysv System Service 設定系統啟動時的執行程式 setup Setup Menu 設定功能表 sndconfig Soundcard Configuration 音效卡設定程式 timeconfig Timezone Configuration 時區設定程式 Xconfigurator X Window Configuration X Win 設定程式 xf86config Traditional X Window Configuration 傳統的 X Win 設定程式 XF86Setup XFree GUI X Window Configuration XFree 圖形介面 X Win 設定程式 11.System Management 系統管理 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 df Reports the amount of free disk space on any currently mounted filesystem 顯示目前硬碟所剩空間 mount attach the device to the filesystem 掛上週邊設備 mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom mount the secondary master IDE CDROM to directory /mnt/cdrom mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy mount the floppy disk A to directory /mnt/floppy mount /mnt/cdrom mount the CDROM to directory /mnt/cdrom mount /mnt/floppy mount the floppy disk to directory /mnt/floppy mount display the mounted device information umount detach the device from the filesystem 卸下週邊設備 umount /mnt/cdrom umount /mnt/floppy 12.System Shutdown & Restart 系統關閉及重新啟動 Command Description, Syntax & Example 指令 解說、語法及例子 reboot Reboot the system now 立即重新啟動系統 init 6 Reboot the system now 立即重新啟動系統 [ctrl]+[alt]+[del] Reboot the system now 立即重新啟動系統 halt Halt the system now 立即關閉系統 shutdown Shutdown the System 關閉系統 parameter 參數 -r Reboot the system when the shutdown is complete -h Halt the system when the shutdown is complete shutdown -r now Reboot the system now shutdown -h now Halt the system from now shutdown -r +15 Reboot the system after 15 minutes from now shutdown -h +15 Halt the system after 15 minutes from now shutdown -r 23:00 Reboot the system on 11 p.m shutdown -h 23:00 Halt the system on 11 p.m 如何使 CTRL+ALT+DEL 失效? 避免任何人都可以關機,請修改檔案 /etc/inittab , 找尋下列句子: # Trap CTRL-ALT-DELETE ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now改為#ca::ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t3 -r now 只准 root 登入 在 /etc 目錄內建立一文字檔案名 nologin ,內容隨意。只要系統發現此檔案存在,就會禁止其他使用者登入,並且會顯示 nologin 檔的內容。 如何讓 Linux 以單人模式開機? 原因:當系統發生問題時,必須以單人模式進入,以便修復系統。 在命令模式下執行: telinit 1 或在 boot prompt 時,鍵入: linux single 如何可以重看開機時一大堆訊息? 在命令模式下執行: dmesg | less 如何可以在開機時自動掛上光碟機? 假設光碟機是 Secondary Master IDE CDROM hdc , 修改檔案 /etc/fstab,加入以下一行: /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom iso9660 default 1 0 如要換光碟片,必須先 umount ,光碟片才能退出光碟機,執行: umount /mnt/cdrom 換光碟片後,必須手動重新掛上光碟機,執行: mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom |
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