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#1 |
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為什麼我一開機進去 過沒多久電腦下面就會出現: NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart 然後我一直重開機都沒用 都一直出出現這個訊息 煩惱的人 |
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#3 (permalink) |
![]() 解決一:
1.將Windows XP原版CD放入CD-ROM(記得設為開機第一優先),等待讀取後會出現三個選項(1.按Enter安裝Windows XP 2.按R修復你的Windows XP 3.按F8結束),請選擇R修復你的Windows XP 2.接下來會進入修復主控台,修復主控台會問你是否要更變鍵盤預設形式(選Enter要變更),請選擇不按Enter,接下來會出現你要修復哪一個Windows(依序會列出你電腦上的Windows),請選擇你想修復的Windows,我選1修復C:/Windows,再接下來會問Adiministrator的密碼(有設密碼的請鍵入密碼,沒有的就按Enter),再再接下來就出現C:/Windows 3.C:/Windows/bootcfg \scan(請鍵入bootcfg \scan ) 它會scan你電腦上的Windows C:/Windows/bootcfg \rebuild(請鍵入bootcfg \rebuild ) 它會rebuild你電腦上的boot.ini file 接下來看到什麼就按Y即可!! 然後會出現C:/Windows ,再鍵入exit重新開機即可!!(記得取出CD噢!!) 解決二: 剛開始的時候,先用Windows XP作業系統格式化一張空白的3.5寸磁片。然後,再將ntldr.com和ntdetect.com這兩個檔複製在這張軟碟中。你可以在電腦硬碟上的i386這個資料夾中找到這兩個檔。 同時還需要複製的檔是在開機光碟上的boot.ini這個檔。boot.ini這個檔可能很難找到,因為它是一個系統檔,通常處於「隱藏」的狀態,一般是看不 見的。你得先開啟任何一個資料夾,從工具列中找到「資料夾選項」,點選「檢視」標籤,接著選擇「顯示所有檔案跟資料夾」這個選項,然後再取消 「隱藏被保護的作業系統檔案」這個選項上。點選「確定」,就大功告成了。 使用「Windows資源管理器」或者「我的電腦」在開機光碟中查找,通常是C磁碟,在資源管理器顯示的標籤一般是「本機磁碟」。找到boot.ini檔,將 滑鼠移到該檔上,點選右鍵,選擇「傳送到3.5磁片」,將該檔複製到你正在製造的磁片中。 幫這張軟碟貼一個標籤--最好是類似於「XP開機磁片」這樣的名字,然後將它保存好。一旦當你需要用到它的時候,你就可以用它來啟動你的電腦,這 樣,你就可以登入到你的Windows XP作業系統中了,和你平時進入的作業系統是一樣的。 (註:此方法我未成功!!) 原文: HOW TO: Create a Boot Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows XP The information in this article applies to: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional This article was previously published under Q305595 SUMMARY This step-by-step article describes how to create a boot disk for Windows XP to access a drive with a faulty boot sequence on an Intel-processor-based computer. NOTE: The procedure for RISC-based computers is different and not documented in this article. Requirements A blank floppy disk. The Windows XP CD-ROM or an operational Windows XP-based computer. Create a Boot Floppy Disk with a Windows XP-Based Computer 1. Format a floppy disk by using the Windows XP format utility. For example, with the floppy disk in the floppy disk drive, type format a: at a command prompt, and then press ENTER. 2. Copy the Ntldr and the Ntdetect.com files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM, Windows XP Setup floppy disk, or from a computer that is running the same version of Windows XP as the computer that you want to access with the boot floppy. 3. Create a Boot.ini file (or copy one from a computer that is running Windows XP), and then modify it to match the computer that you are trying to access. The following example works for a single-partition IDE drive with Windows XP installed in the \Windows folder, but the exact value in the [operating systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows XP computer that you are trying to access: 4. [boot loader] 5. timeout=30 6. Default= multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\windows 7. 8. [operating systems] 9. multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\windows="Windows XP" If your computer boots from a SCSI hard drive, you may need to replace the multi(0) entry with scsi(0). If you are using scsi(x) in the Boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver for the SCSI controller in use on the computer to the root of the Setup disk, and then rename it Ntbootdd.sys. Change the disk(0) number to represent the SCSI-ID of the hard drive you want to boot to. If you are using multi(x) in the Boot.ini file, you do not need to do this. 10. Start your computer by using the floppy disk, and then log on to Windows XP. Create a Boot Floppy Disk Without a Windows XP-Based Computer 1. Refer to the article Q310994 for directions to download and create the Windows XP Setup disks by using a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition (SE), or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me): 310994 Obtaining Windows XP Setup Boot Disks 2. Delete all the files from the newly created Setup disk 1. 3. Copy the Ntdetect.com and the Ntldr files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP CD-ROM to the new disk. 4. Rename the Ntldr file to Setupldr.bin. 5. Create a Boot.ini file. The following example works for a single-partition IDE drive with Windows XP installed in the \Windows folder, but the exact value in the [operating systems] section depends on the configuration of the Windows XP computer that you want to start: 6. [boot loader] 7. timeout=30 8. Default= multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\windows 9. 10. [operating systems] 11. multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\windows="Windows XP" If your computer starts from a SCSI hard drive, you may need to replace the multi(0) entry with scsi(0). If you are using scsi(x) in the Boot.ini file, copy the correct device driver for the SCSI controller in use on the computer to the root of the setup disk, and then rename it Ntbootdd.sys. Change the disk(0) number to represent the SCSI-ID of the hard drive you want to start to. If you are using multi(x) in the Boot.ini file, you do not need to do this. 12. Start your computer by using the floppy disk, and then log on to Windows XP. Troubleshooting If the path that points to the system files is incorrect or includes the drive letter, you may receive the following error message: Windows XP could not start because of the following ARC firmware boot configuration problem: Did not properly generate ARC name for HAL and system paths. Please check the Windows XP (TM) documentation about ARC configuration options and your hardware reference manuals for additional information. Boot Failed. If an incorrect SCSI driver has been selected or the Ntbootdd.sys file does not exist, you may receive the following error message: Windows XP could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check the Windows XP (TM) documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information. Boot Failed. Resolving Boot Issues with a Boot Floppy Disk You may be able to use a Windows XP bootable disk to start the operating system on a computer running Windows XP. Use the procedures in this article to work around the following boot issues: Damaged boot sector. Damaged master boot record (MBR). Virus infections. Missing or damaged Ntldr or Ntdetect.com files. Incorrect Ntbootdd.sys driver. To boot from the shadow of a broken mirror. Please note that you may need to modify the Boot.ini file to do this. You cannot use the Windows XP boot disk to help resolve the following issues: Incorrect or damaged device drivers that are installed in the System folder. Boot issues that occur after you see the Windows XP startup (Osloader) screen. |
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