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2004-06-27, 12:10 AM | #1 |
Acronis True Image 不能燒錄 DVD+RW
Acronis True Image 不會自動幫我們分片燒錄嗎?
燒在 DVD 上,只要大於 4.7GB 就燒不成嗎?我 Create Images 時,選擇存在 DVD+RW 上,最後製作時,它卻顯示 Disk is full!? 但我用 CD-RW 時,就能正常燒錄,但用 DVD+RW 時,就出現 Disk is full!? |
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2004-09-04, 04:58 AM | #3 (permalink) | |
Re: Acronis True Image 不能燒錄 DVD+RW
How can I use Acronis True Image 8.0 to write the images directly to DVD disks? Acronis True Image 8.0 is capable of writing to a DVD disk in Windows if UDF packet DVD-writing software is installed, and the DVD disk is formatted. We currently support the following packet DVD-writing software: Roxio Drag To Disc — an optional part of Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator Ahead InCD — is available for free on the Nero site for Ahead Nero users (and usually is shipped with Nero) Veritas DLA and all its OEM versions (e.g. HP DLA) Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD In general we also support other UDF packet DVD-writing software, but the three above are most popular and they have been tested and approved by Acronis. To make the DVD disk writeable in Acronis True Image, the user should do the following: Install UDF packet DVD-writing software. Format the DVD disks. DVD+RW and DVD-RW disks can be formatted by any of the applications mentioned above, while DVD+R at this moment can be formatted only by Roxio Drag To Disc. Next, start Acronis True Image 8.0, insert the formatted DVD disk into the DVD+RW or DVD-RW drive and create an image. The images from the DVD disk can be restored both in Windows and when Acronis True Image 8.0 is started from bootable disks. There is also a two-step method for writing to DVDs. Acronis True Image 8.0 can create an image of the hard disk as a single file on the hard disk itself, and then you can copy the file using your own DVD-writing software to the DVD. We recommend you to set the image archive splitting size to 2 GBytes on the Image Archive Splitting screen, as generally the maximum size of a file stored on DVD is 2 GBytes. The Acronis rescue disk will also be able to restore this file from the DVD if necessary. |
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2004-09-04, 05:01 AM | #4 (permalink) | |
The current version of Acronis True Image 8.0 can explore image archive only if all its volumes reside in the same directory. If your archive spans over several CD-R(W) discs and you wish to explore the image(s), you should copy all volumes to a hard disk drive or network drive. A future version of Acronis True Image 8.0 will allow you to view each image on each CD-R(W). We apologize in advance for the current inconvenience. |
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