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2004-09-01, 10:26 AM | #1 |
檔案為 foto.zip 者... 這封信疑似夾帶病毒!!!!!! 目前諾頓 2004 跟 PC Cillin 2004 都沒有判斷為病毒! foto.zip 內含有一個隱藏檔案夾跟 foto.htm.. 隱藏檔案夾裡面有 foto.exe. 目前不飛不敢判斷是哪一種病毒... 但是相信各家掃毒公司一定會馬上編寫新的病毒碼應對. 請大家收到信時馬上刪除此信件! 請大家千萬小心不要開啟!!!!!!! |
送花文章: 0,
2004-09-02, 11:57 AM | #4 (permalink) |
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
More details on Bagle.AK Posted by Alexey @ 21:48 GMT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The e-mail that Bagle.AK was spammed in contains an archive named FOTO.ZIP. Inside there's an HTML file and an EXE file named FOTO.EXE. This EXE file is a dropper. It drops and activates a DLL file that kills processes belonging to updating components of several anti-virus programs. After this it tries to connect to 131 different websites and to download a file named B.JPG from them. The URLs are hardcoded in the program's body. So far we have not been able to get the contents of that file for investigation. The sites are either down or the file is simply not there. http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/ |
送花文章: 0,
2004-09-05, 12:13 PM | #10 (permalink) |
好恐怖哦~~不知道對電腦有啥傷害 |
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