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2004-10-16, 11:43 PM | #1 |
它都會出現...您的電腦、網際網路提供者,或網路可能不支援語音交談或視訊會議。 我也有把防火強(防毒軟體)關掉了~為什麼還不行呢~~ '''是不是沒有固定ip的關係呢... 我是住在外面的宿舍,所以是不是網路設定上的問題'''~~ 請問問題是出在哪呢~~ 請大大告知~~~謝謝!! |
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2004-10-17, 12:48 AM | #4 (permalink) | |
那一防火牆.... msn要開不同的很多的port&動態port( acess, file. video, . tab標簽 ,net 視訊會議) 看要些port搜教學文件區文, msn 或許安裝上....IM Secure Pro. v: 可幫你控制port http://www.slime2.com.tw/forums/show...light=IMsecure Basic text messaging/connection to Messenger server: port 1863 or 80 TCP and 443 TCP File Transfer*: 6891-6900 TCP (this port range is not valid for MSN Messenger 6 clients sending/receiving to other MSN Messenger 6 clients) Webcam**: 9000 or 80 TCP Audio*: 5004-65535 UDP Video Conference (XP only)*: 5004-65535 UDP Remote Assistance (XP only)*: 3389 TCP Whiteboard/Application Sharing (XP only)*: 1503 TCP Launch Site Games**: 80 TCP * denotes features which can use Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), UPnP file transfer only available in Windows Messenger 5, MSN Messenger 5 and MSN Messenger 6 ** MSN Messenger 6 feature exclusively |
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2004-10-19, 11:19 AM | #8 (permalink) | |
no need to reinstall OS, because your port is blocked by your ISP Provider. If you already use the program that from psca, the case is not sloved. That mean your ISP provider block your port. Remarks: http is using port 80, FTP is using port 21, ...... example: my web site is http://ktnmc.xxx.xxx = http://ktnmc.xxx.xxx:80 but ISP block my http port therefore I cannot use port 80 to host my web. The thing I can do is change the port to 8080; such as http://ktnmc.xxx.xxx:8080 If you can change the status at this moment, but your ISP Provider will block you soon. |
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