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2004-10-17, 03:29 AM | #1 |
本來只是從新安裝 win xp , 後針對華碩的驅動程式上網更新,
關機後就出現顯示卡無驅動程式...最後~ 開機後畫面出現了,出現藍色畫面的錯誤訊息! Aproblem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've see this stop error screen , restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps,check for viruses on your computer.Remove ary newly installed hard drives or hart drive controllers. Check your hard drive to made sure it is properly configured and terminated.Run chkdsk /F to oheck for hard drive corraption and then restart your computer. 亂碼.. *** stop: 0x0000007B (0xF9E50640 , 0xc0000034 , 0x00000000 , 0x00000000) 請問大大: 這是什麼狀況呢? 是否有辦法救? 該如何救它呢? 請求各位大大的協助!~ 系 統:WIN XP 主機板:ASUS P4S533 顯示卡:ASUS V8170 DDR |
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