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2004-11-08, 11:02 PM | #1 |
小弟目前用的是XP SP1 會有雙CPU的功能 那假如把作業系統換成WIN2000的話 那是否WIN2000裡面會沒有這項功能呢?? |
送花文章: 86,
2004-11-09, 09:43 AM | #4 (permalink) | |
http://support.intel.com/support/tw/platform/ht/os.htm |
送花文章: 1086,
2004-11-09, 12:03 PM | #5 (permalink) | |
因為2000確確實實支援HT 這是我的電腦.. http://img60.exs.cx/img60/706/9385.jpg http://img65.exs.cx/img65/52/11469.jpg 微軟網站也有公佈文件 http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system...T-Windows.mspx (右邊有個exe檔案可下載解開是word檔) All versions of the Windows 2000 operating system are fully compliant with HT and should run without error on HT-enabled systems. However, neither Windows 2000 nor any of its service packs support the identification of HT processors. The type of modifications that are required for HT processor identification and support are not typically supported in a service pack. There are no plans to introduce this support in any future Windows 2000 service pack. As a result, Windows 2000 treats each logical processor as if it were an individual physical processor. The operating system attempts to start each logical processor in the sequence in which it was listed by the BIOS until the number of processors that have been started is equal to the processor license limit for that version of the operating system. http://img16.exs.cx/img16/9415/16933.jpg XP兩版本都支援..(不過在這之前我一直以為Home Edition不支援 multiprocessor所以不支援HT 我錯了.. ) 2003當然也支援 http://img65.exs.cx/img65/8424/11470.jpg 我想是Intel跟Microsoft沒做好溝通吧... 個人是比較相信微軟的說法啦 因為 1.自身情況的確如此 2.OS支不支援 OS廠商比較清楚 |
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2004-11-09, 05:45 PM | #7 (permalink) |
那XP 家用版的有支援Hyper-Threading的功能嗎
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送花文章: 257,