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2003-02-13, 03:55 PM | #1 |
或者有其的相似的螢幕保護程式使用. thanx |
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2003-02-13, 10:35 PM | #2 (permalink) |
我搜尋后找到這說明 To use the photo slide show screen saver you need to copy the GdiPlus.dll and ssmypics.scr to the windows 2000 computer from the windows xp computer. Just do a search of the winnt directory. Put them in the winnt\system32 directory. Open the ssmypics.scr once to register it. Then it should be in the list. If you want to copy others just search for *.scr files in the winnt directory. 明天找台xp試試看,感恩言謝 |
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