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歡迎您來到『史萊姆論壇』 ^___^ 您目前正以訪客的身份瀏覽本論壇,訪客所擁有的權限將受到限制,您可以瀏覽本論壇大部份的版區與文章,但您將無法參與任何討論或是使用私人訊息與其他會員交流。若您希望擁有完整的使用權限,請註冊成為我們的一份子,註冊的程序十分簡單、快速,而且最重要的是--註冊是完全免費的! 請點擊這裡:『註冊成為我們的一份子!』 |
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主題工具 | 顯示模式 |
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#1 |
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![]() —— 適用於 vBulletin 3.0.0、3.0.1
作者:007pig 網站:www.newvbb.com 繁體中文暨修改:阿修羅 http://www.helzone.com 版本歷史 2.0 在原金錢出售帖基礎上增加了回覆文章,財富限制。修正原來金錢文章無法完全隱藏的Bug 1.1 修正搜索引擎存檔洩露金錢文章資訊的Bug 1.0 初始版本 插件依賴 本插件需要在NewvBB金錢銀行插件基礎上安裝。 資料庫修改 運行SQL語句: ALTER TABLE `post` ADD `buyerids` TEXT NOT NULL ; ALTER TABLE `post` ADD `price` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `post` ADD `wealth` INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ALTER TABLE `post` ADD `replypost` smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0'; 複製檔 檔複製到論壇根目錄 並命名為:buypost.php (右鍵點擊上面的圖示,選擇 包 物件->編輯包(E),在彈出的視窗中,選擇功能表 檔->保存內容。在彈出的對話方塊中選擇要保存的路徑,檔案名輸入相應的檔案名即可) 新建模版 viewbuyers $stylevar[htmldoctype] <html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]"> <head> <title>看誰購買</title> $headinclude </head> <body style="margin:0px" onload="self.focus()"> <table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center"> <tr> <td class="tcat"> <span class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right]"><a href="#" onclick="self.close()">$vbphrase[close_this_window]</a></span> 看誰購買 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="panelsurround" align="center" valign="top" height="135"> <div class="panel" height="135"> <div class="fieldset"> <div>購買本篇的會員有:</div> <div>$buyers</div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> |
__________________ 給自己看也給所有需要這些話鼓勵的人看! 認真不一定會得到美好的結果,但是不認真就一定沒有 想要有什麼結果,就秉持你的雙手 放手去做 總比什麼都沒付出最後失敗了才嘆氣來的好吧 沒努力的人.沒有資格說放棄 努力過的人.更要有勇氣繼續努力下去
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送花文章: 1,
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向 貝斯特 送花的會員:
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#2 (permalink) |
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![]() 修改模板
newreply 搜索 <!-- message area --> <div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[message]:</div> $messagearea <!-- / message area --> $posticons 在後面添加 <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>隱藏文章</legend> <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px"> <div> <label for="cb_costpost"><input type="checkbox" name="costpost" value="yes" id="cb_costpost" />金錢出售文章</label> 價格: <select name="postprice"> <option value="1" >1 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="2" >2 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="5" >5 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="10" >10 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="20" >20 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="50" >50 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="100" >100 $vboptions[danwei]</option> </select> 購買後才可查看此篇 </label> </div> <div> <label for="cb_wealthpost"><label for="cb_wealthpost"><input type="checkbox" name="wealthpost" value="yes" id="cb_wealthpost" />財富限制</label> 只有擁有 <input type="text" class="bginput" name="wealth" value="10" size="2" maxlength="8" /> ${vboptions[danwei]}的會員才可查看此篇 </label> </div> </div> </fieldset> newthread 搜索 <!-- message area --> <div class="smallfont">$vbphrase[message]:</div> $messagearea <!-- / message area --> $posticons 在後面添加 <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>隱藏文章</legend> <div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px"> <div> <label for="cb_costpost"><input type="checkbox" name="costpost" value="yes" id="cb_costpost" />金錢出售文章</label> 價格: <select name="postprice"> <option value="1" >1 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="2" >2 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="5" >5 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="10" >10 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="20" >20 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="50" >50 $vboptions[danwei]</option> <option value="100" >100 $vboptions[danwei]</option> </select> 購買後才可查看此篇 </label> </div> <div> <label for="cb_wealthpost"><label for="cb_wealthpost"><input type="checkbox" name="wealthpost" value="yes" id="cb_wealthpost" />財富限制</label> 只有擁有 <input type="text" class="bginput" name="wealth" value="10" size="2" maxlength="8" /> ${vboptions[danwei]}的會員才可查看此篇 </label> </div> <div><label for="cb_replypost"><input type="checkbox" name="replypost" value="yes" id="cb_replypost" />回覆才可查看該主題</label></div> </div> </fieldset> |
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送花文章: 1,
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#3 (permalink) |
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![]() postbit
搜索: <!-- message --> <div>$post[message]</div> <!-- / message --> 替換為: <!-- message --> <if condition="!$show['moderator']"> $moderator <if condition="$show['costpost'] || $show['wealthpost'] || $show['replypost']"> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>隱藏文章</legend> <div style="padding: 3px;"> <if condition="$show['costpost']"><div>本帖為金錢出售文章,價格 $post[price] $vboptions[danwei] 。您需要購買後才可查看。[<a href="buypost.php?$session[sessionurl]p=$post[postid]">點擊這媮妎R</a>] [<a href="#" onclick="return buyerswindow('$post[postid]', 400, 200)">看誰購買</a>]</div></if> <if condition="$show['wealthpost']"><div>本帖為財富限制,您的財富需要達到 $post[wealth] $vboptions[danwei] 才可查看。</div></if> <if condition="$show['replypost']"><div>本主題需要回覆才可查看。</div></if> </div> </fieldset> <else /> <if condition="$post['price'] || $post['wealth'] || $post['replypost']"> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>隱藏文章訊息</legend> <div style="padding: 3px;"> <if condition="$show['bought']"><div>您已經購買了該金錢文章 [<a href="#" onclick="return buyerswindow('$post[postid]', 400, 200)">看誰購買</a>]</div></if> <if condition="$post['price'] && $show['selfpost']"><div>這是您發表的金錢限制,價格 $post[price] $vboptions[danwei] 。[<a href="#" onclick="return buyerswindow('$post[postid]', 400, 200)">看誰購買</a>]</div></if> <if condition="$post['wealth'] && $show['selfpost']"><div>這是您發表的財富限制,其他會員財富需要達到 $post[wealth] $vboptions[danwei] 才可查看本篇。</div></if> <if condition="$post['wealth'] && !$show['selfpost']"><div>本貼為財富限制。您的財富已經達到 $post[wealth] $vboptions[danwei],因此可以查看本篇。</div></if> <if condition="$post['replypost'] && $show['replied']"><div>該主題需要回覆才可查看。您已經回覆。</div></if> <if condition="$post['replypost'] && $show['selfpost']"><div>這是您發表的回覆限制,其他會員需要回覆才可查看本主題。</div></if> </div> </fieldset> </if> <div>$post[message]</div> </if> <else /> <if condition="$show['costpost'] || $show['wealthpost'] || $post['replypost']"> <fieldset class="fieldset"> <legend>版主、管理員注意</legend> <div style="padding: 3px;"> <if condition="$post['price']"><div>該篇為金錢出售文章,價格為 $post[price] $vboptions[danwei] 。[<a href="#" onclick="return buyerswindow('$post[postid]', 400, 200)">看誰購買</a>]</div></if> <if condition="$post['wealth']"><div>該篇為財富限制,財富大於 $post[wealth] $vboptions[danwei] 的會員才可查看。</div></if> <if condition="$post['replypost']"><div>該主題回覆後才可查看</div></if> </div> </fieldset> </if> <div>$post[message]</div> </if> <!-- / message --> 檔修改 showpost.php 搜索: // see if the lastpost time of this thread is older than the cache max age limit if ($vboptions['cachemaxage'] == 0 OR TIMENOW - ($vboptions['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24) > $threadinfo['lastpost']) { $stopsaveparsed = 1; } else { $stopsaveparsed = 0; } 在後面添加: // 007pig 隱藏帖不緩存 if ($post['price'] OR $post['wealth'] OR $post['replypost']) { $stopsaveparsed = 1; } 搜索: $post['money'] = $post['money']; $post['moneyhole'] = intval($post['money']) + intval($post['bank']); 在後面添加: $buyerarray = explode(",", $post['buyerids']); $moderator = can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid']); $show['selfpost'] = 0; $show['costpost'] = 0; $show['bought'] = 0; $show['wealthpost'] = 0; $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['replied'] = 0; if ($moderator) { $show['moderator'] = 1; } if ($post['price'] > 0) { if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['selfpost'] = 1; $show['costpost'] = 0; } elseif (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], $buyerarray) && $bbuserinfo['userid'] != 0) { $show['bought'] = 1; $show['costpost'] = 0; } else { $show['costpost'] = 1; } } else { $show['costpost'] = 0; $show['bought'] = 0; } if ($post['wealth'] > 0) { $wealth = $bbuserinfo['money']+$bbuserinfo['bank']; if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; $show['selfpost'] = 1; } elseif ($wealth < $post['wealth']) { $show['wealthpost'] = 1; } else { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; } } else { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; } if ($post['replypost']) { $replierids = $DB_site->query("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE threadid=$threadinfo[threadid] GROUP BY userid"); while ($replierid = $DB_site->fetch_array($replierids)) { $replierarray[] = $replierid['userid']; } if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['selfpost'] = 1; } elseif (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], $replierarray)) { $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['replied'] = 1; } else { $show['replypost'] = 1; } } showthread.php 搜索: // see if the lastpost time of this thread is older than the cache max age limit if ($vboptions['cachemaxage'] == 0 OR TIMENOW - ($vboptions['cachemaxage'] * 60 * 60 * 24) > $thread['lastpost']) { $stopsaveparsed = 1; } else { $stopsaveparsed = 0; } 在後面添加: // 007pig 隱藏帖不緩存 if ($post['price'] OR $post['wealth'] OR $post['replypost']) { $stopsaveparsed = 1; } 搜索: $post['musername'] = fetch_musername($post); $post['islastshown'] = ($post['postid'] == $lastpostid); $post['attachments'] = &$postattach["$post[postid]"]; // 帖子特殊內容顯示-非凡豬0108 // 007pig 修改開始 // 資產 $post['moneyhole'] $post['moneyhole'] = $post['money']+$post['bank']; // 007pig 修改結束 在後面添加: $buyerarray = explode(",", $post['buyerids']); $moderator = can_moderate($threadinfo['forumid']); $show['selfpost'] = 0; $show['costpost'] = 0; $show['bought'] = 0; $show['wealthpost'] = 0; $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['replied'] = 0; if ($moderator) { $show['moderator'] = 1; } if ($post['price'] > 0) { if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['selfpost'] = 1; $show['costpost'] = 0; } elseif (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], $buyerarray) && $bbuserinfo['userid'] != 0) { $show['bought'] = 1; $show['costpost'] = 0; } else { $show['costpost'] = 1; } } else { $show['costpost'] = 0; $show['bought'] = 0; } if ($post['wealth'] > 0) { $wealth = $bbuserinfo['money']+$bbuserinfo['bank']; if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; $show['selfpost'] = 1; } elseif ($wealth < $post['wealth']) { $show['wealthpost'] = 1; } else { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; } } else { $show['wealthpost'] = 0; } if ($post['replypost']) { $replierids = $DB_site->query("SELECT userid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post WHERE threadid=$threadinfo[threadid] GROUP BY userid"); while ($replierid = $DB_site->fetch_array($replierids)) { $replierarray[] = $replierid['userid']; } if ($bbuserinfo['userid']==$post['userid']) { $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['selfpost'] = 1; } elseif (in_array($bbuserinfo['userid'], $replierarray)) { $show['replypost'] = 0; $show['replied'] = 1; } else { $show['replypost'] = 1; } } |
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送花文章: 1,
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向 貝斯特 送花的會員:
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#4 (permalink) |
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![]() newreply.php
搜索: $postdate = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $postinfo['dateline']); $posttime = vbdate($vboptions['timeformat'], $postinfo['dateline']); $pagetext = htmlspecialchars_uni($postinfo['pagetext']); $pagetext = trim(strip_quotes($pagetext)); 在後面添加: if ($postinfo['price'] || $postinfo['wealth'] || $postinfo['replypost']) { $pagetext = '【隱藏文章】'; } 搜索: if ($_POST['quickreply']) { $originalposter = fetch_quote_username($getpost['username']); $pagetext = trim(strip_quotes($getpost['pagetext'])); 在後面添加: if ($getpost['price'] || $getpost['wealth'] || $getpost['replypost']) { $pagetext = '【隱藏文章】'; } 搜索: $posts = $DB_site->query(" SELECT post.postid, IF(post.userid = 0, post.username, user.username) AS username, post.pagetext, post.allowsmilie, post.userid, post.dateline FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(deletionlog.primaryid = post.postid AND deletionlog.type = 'post') WHERE post.visible = 1 $globalignore AND post.threadid = $threadid AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL ORDER BY dateline DESC, postid DESC LIMIT " . ($vboptions[maxposts] + 1) ); 替換為: $posts = $DB_site->query(" SELECT post.postid, IF(post.userid = 0, post.username, user.username) AS username, post.pagetext, post.allowsmilie, post.userid, post.dateline, post.price, post.wealth, post.replypost FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON(deletionlog.primaryid = post.postid AND deletionlog.type = 'post') WHERE post.visible = 1 $globalignore AND post.threadid = $threadid AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL ORDER BY dateline DESC, postid DESC LIMIT " . ($vboptions[maxposts] + 1) ); 搜索: $reviewmessage = parse_bbcode($post['pagetext'], $foruminfo['forumid'], $post['allowsmilie']); 在後面添加: if ($post['price'] || $post['wealth'] || $post['replypost']) { $reviewmessage = '【隱藏文章】'; } 搜索: $newpost['stickunstick'] = $_POST['stickunstick']; $newpost['openclose'] = $_POST['openclose']; 在後面添加: if ($_POST['costpost']) { $newpost['price'] = intval($_POST['postprice']); if ($newpost['price'] > 100) { $newpost['price'] = 100; } else if ($newpost['price'] < 1) { $newpost['price'] = 1; } } else { $newpost['price'] = 0; } if ($_POST['wealthpost']) { $newpost['wealth'] = intval($_POST['wealth']); if ($newpost['wealth'] > 10000000) { $newpost['wealth'] = 10000000; } else if ($newpost['wealth'] < 1) { $newpost['wealth'] = 1; } } else { $newpost['wealth'] = 0; } search.php 搜索: // query post data $dataQuery = " SELECT post.postid, post.title AS posttitle, post.dateline AS postdateline, post.iconid AS posticonid, post.pagetext, IF(post.userid = 0, post.username, user.username) AS username, thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.iconid AS threadiconid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views=0, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) as views, thread.pollid, thread.sticky, thread.open, thread.lastpost, thread.forumid, user.userid, user.username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = post.threadid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid) WHERE post.postid IN"; 替換為: $dataQuery = " SELECT post.postid, post.title AS posttitle, post.dateline AS postdateline, post.iconid AS posticonid, post.pagetext, post.price, post.wealth, post.replypost, IF(post.userid = 0, post.username, user.username) AS username, thread.threadid, thread.title AS threadtitle, thread.iconid AS threadiconid, thread.replycount, IF(thread.views=0, thread.replycount+1, thread.views) as views, thread.pollid, thread.sticky, thread.open, thread.lastpost, thread.forumid, user.userid, user.username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread AS thread ON(thread.threadid = post.threadid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON(user.userid = post.userid) WHERE post.postid IN"; 搜索: $post['pagetext'] = preg_replace('#\[quote(=("|"|\'|)??.*\\2)?\](((?>[^\[]*?|(?R)|.))*)\[/quote\]#siUe', "process_quote_removal('\\3', \$display['highlight'])", $post['pagetext']); 在後面添加: // yeshou if ($newpost['price']) { $post['pagetext'] = preg_replace('【金錢隱藏部分】', $post['pagetext']); } |
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送花文章: 1,
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向 貝斯特 送花的會員:
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#5 (permalink) |
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![]() newthread.php
搜索: $newpost['stickunstick'] = $_POST['stickunstick']; $newpost['openclose'] = $_POST['openclose']; 在後面添加: if ($_POST['costpost']) { $newpost['price'] = intval($_POST['postprice']); if ($newpost['price'] > 100) { $newpost['price'] = 100; } else if ($newpost['price'] < 1) { $newpost['price'] = 1; } } else { $newpost['price'] = 0; } if ($_POST['wealthpost']) { $newpost['wealth'] = intval($_POST['wealth']); if ($newpost['wealth'] > 10000000) { $newpost['wealth'] = 10000000; } else if ($newpost['wealth'] < 1) { $newpost['wealth'] = 1; } } else { $newpost['wealth'] = 0; } if ($_POST['replypost']) { $newpost['replypost'] = 1; } else { $newpost['replypost'] = 0; } functions_newpost.php 搜索: // ### POST NEW POST ### $DB_site->query(" INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post (threadid, parentid, title, username, userid, dateline, pagetext, allowsmilie, showsignature, ipaddress, iconid, visible, attach) VALUES ($threadinfo[threadid], $parentid, '" . addslashes($post['title']) . "', '" . addslashes($post['postusername']) . "', $bbuserinfo[userid], " . TIMENOW . ", '" . addslashes($post['message']) . "', $post[enablesmilies], $post[signature], '" . addslashes($post['ipaddress']) . "', $post[iconid], $post[visible], $totalattachments) "); 替換為: // ### POST NEW POST ### $DB_site->query(" INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post (threadid, parentid, title, username, userid, dateline, pagetext, allowsmilie, showsignature, ipaddress, iconid, visible, attach, price, wealth, replypost) VALUES ($threadinfo[threadid], $parentid, '" . addslashes($post['title']) . "', '" . addslashes($post['postusername']) . "', $bbuserinfo[userid], " . TIMENOW . ", '" . addslashes($post['message']) . "', $post[enablesmilies], $post[signature], '" . addslashes($post['ipaddress']) . "', $post[iconid], $post[visible], $totalattachments, $post[price], $post[wealth], ".iif($post[replypost], $post[replypost], 0).") "); forumdisplay.php 搜索: if ($vboptions['threadpreview'] > 0) { $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview,"; $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)"; } else { $previewfield = ''; $previewjoin = ''; } 替換為: if ($vboptions['threadpreview'] > 0) { $previewfield = "post.pagetext AS preview, post.price AS price, post.wealth AS wealth, post.replypost AS replypost,"; $previewjoin = "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)"; } else { $previewfield = ''; $previewjoin = ''; } functions_forumdisplay.php 搜索: $thread['preview'] = strip_quotes($thread['preview']); $thread['preview'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_trimmed_title(strip_bbcode($thread['preview'], false, true), $vboptions['threadpreview'])); 替換為: if ($thread['price'] || $thread['wealth'] || $thread['replypost']) { $thread['preview'] = '【隱藏文章】'; } else { $thread['preview'] = strip_quotes($thread['preview']); $thread['preview'] = htmlspecialchars_uni(fetch_trimmed_title(strip_bbcode($thread['preview'], false, true), $vboptions['threadpreview'])); } archive/index.php 搜索: $posts = $DB_site->query(" SELECT post.postid, post.pagetext, IFNULL( user.username , post.username ) AS username FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON (deletionlog.primaryid = post.postid AND deletionlog.type = 'post') WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid] AND visible = 1 AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL $globalignore ORDER BY postid LIMIT " . (($p - 1) * $vboptions['archive_postsperpage']) . ", $vboptions[archive_postsperpage] "); 替換為: $posts = $DB_site->query(" SELECT post.postid, post.pagetext, IFNULL( user.username , post.username ) AS username, post.price, post.wealth, post.replypost FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = post.userid) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "deletionlog AS deletionlog ON (deletionlog.primaryid = post.postid AND deletionlog.type = 'post') WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid] AND visible = 1 AND deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL $globalignore ORDER BY postid LIMIT " . (($p - 1) * $vboptions['archive_postsperpage']) . ", $vboptions[archive_postsperpage] "); 搜索: while ($post = $DB_site->fetch_array($posts)) { $i++; 在後面添加: if ($post['price'] || $post['wealth'] || $post['replypost']) { $post['pagetext'] = '【隱藏文章】'; } clientscript/vbulletin_global.js 搜索: // ############################################################################# // function to open an IM Window function imwindow(imtype, userid, width, height) { return openWindow("sendmessage.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=im&type=" + imtype + "&userid=" + userid, width, height); } 在後面添加: // ############################################################################# function buyerswindow(postid, width, height) { return openWindow("buypost.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=viewbuyers&p=" + postid, width, height); } 修改完畢,轉載請注意版權 |
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送花文章: 1,
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