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2005-08-08, 01:18 PM | #1 |
我要破win2k administrator的限制呢,= =東西都被鎖死了,叫我們怎麼用丫 |
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2005-08-08, 05:18 PM | #4 (permalink) |
http://www.insidepro.com/eng/saminside.shtml 由於那為破解密碼的軟體,所以下載位置自己找一下 不直接貼上 (提示:由上住下的第十個連結) 步驟如下: http://decentdownloads.x-istence.com...php/t1041.html step 1:第一步 我們要先得到windows nt/2k/xp/2003 c:\windows\system32\config\SAM 這個檔案,因為帳號及密碼都是放在這個檔案裡,在開機的情況下,這個檔案是鎖定的,沒辦法read© boot up knoppix, and put your usb flashdrive in the system. 請下載knoppix,使用knoppix linux 版內的相關knoppix教學http://www.slime2.com.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=116028 step 2: 步驟2 Now mount the drive to a folder: e.g. "mount -rw /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" after this mount the harddisk to a folder: "mount -rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1" mount 你原來的c:,請下指令,例如:"mount -rw /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" step3: 步驟3 now go to the shell and type: "cd /mnt/hda1/windows/system32/config/" you are now in the c:\windows\system32\config\ folder, and that happens to be the folder where our SAM file is stored 切換目錄到"cd /mnt/hda1/windows/system32/config/" 因為你的sam在windows/system32/config/sam windows有可能是winnt step 4: 步驟4 now copy the system and SAM files to your flashdrive: "cp sam /mnt/sda1/" & "cp system /mnt/sda1" 現在copy你要的sam到別的地方,因為你的sam在windows系統開機下無法讀取 step 5: 步驟5 shutdown Knoppix and put the flashdrive in your windows system. copy之後就關閉knoppix linux step 6: 步驟6 when in windows run SamInside and select the SAM and system file when asked. then press < ctrl >+< s > to save the hashes to a textfile. 再重新進入windows,利用SamInside工具去進行破解本機sam帳號密碼的動作 step 7: now use a tool like jtr or lc4/lc5 to crack the hashes. this make take a long time depending on the strength of the password. (you can also try to crack them directly with SamInside, but jtr and lc4/lc5 are faster). Now when you've cracked the passwords you have the administrator password to log in. |
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