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2005-09-25, 01:03 PM | #1 |
請問要如何解決3Q |
送花文章: 0,
2005-09-25, 01:30 PM | #2 (permalink) |
正在運算刷新畫面 主要卡在 從虛擬記憶體 讀回資訊 到記憶體 不知您最近有安裝什麼系統軟體嗎? 記憶體有多大? 可以試試裝 http://www.slime2.com.tw/forums/showthread.php?t=157663 這個 |
送花文章: 2017,
2005-09-25, 04:16 PM | #4 (permalink) | |
O&O CleverCache Professional 6 Build 2214 【系統要求】:WIN 2000/NT/XP/2003 【軟體類型】:系統優化 【軟件介紹】: O&O CleverCache Professional 6 Build 2214是NT/2000/XP操作系統專用的文件快取管理工具,這個工具能幫助你經由減少系統置換文件的使用率,進而增加系統性能。本身不需要其它硬件需求,也不會影響系統正常運作,可手動或自動調整最大和最小快取值,O&O Clever Cache 即會幫你減少置換文件的使用率,加快程序開啟速度。 What's new: ● NEW: O&O AutoSense Profile (Predefined User Profile) ● NEW: Create, Export, and Import Individual Profiles ● Monitoring of the Most Important System Components (CPU, Memory, etc.), System Tuning, and Increased Control and Monitoring from the Task Tray ● Improved File Cache Management for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT ● Mem-O-Free for Increased Main Memory ● Mem-O-Safe Increased Data Security in the Event of a Crash ● NEW: Detailed Memory Use and Cache Statistics ● NEW: System Tuning and System Monito DL http://rapidshare.de/files/5407622/O..._2214.rar.html |
送花文章: 1431,