2005-10-12, 10:46 PM | |
Toshiba Portege R100銷售陷阱的討論
我在8月1號台北電腦展時買ㄌㄧ款 "TOSHIBA Portege R100 P-M1.1G" 手提電腦, CD-ROM為外接式,(選購項目),由於前一ㄍ手提電腦,我已買過CD-ROM所以就沒有另外選購\此機型可參考以下網站 http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=59828 此為Portege-R150型,不同點是外觀及硬碟大小. 昨天(上星期四)由於軟體執行出ㄌ亂子,必須使用還原光碟來做復原動作,但是幾次都沒有成功,打電話給台北TOSHIBA工程師,回復是"一般他廠牌ㄉ手提電腦用ㄉ外接式CD-ROM是不相容ㄉ" OK,剛好我妻弟上禮拜買ㄌPortege-R150型,也買ㄌ此工程師所謂ㄉ相容外接式光碟機, 品牌:和申堂\我就跟他借來recovery一下,"結果還是不行"打ㄌ電話第一通,總機說工程師在忙,第二通也在忙,我留ㄌ電話請他回電,又等ㄌ1ㄍ半小時還是沒回電,我很生氣ㄉ打ㄌ第3通兇ㄌ總機一頓,好不容易找來ㄌㄧ個support&tech王姓主任,電話中扯ㄌㄧ大堆,什ㄇ一般ㄉ機芯.....不相容,我告訴他說:你不要說ㄌ,我在電腦展這ㄇ多ㄉTOSHIBA職員在那,你ㄉlog上,經銷商(華克電腦八德路店)從頭到尾沒有人告訴我(我在現場準備購買時都有告訴他們說我不買CD-ROM),注意:包括網路上ㄉ機型介紹在-----外接式CD-ROM欄----選購\ 我問王主任這是貴公司ㄉ責任還是我們顧客ㄉ責任??他死不承認,我說我要去TOSHIBAㄉ總公司及新加坡分公司去申訴,各位大大知道他回啥??歡迎歡迎~你有新加坡ㄉ網址嗎??,我@#$%&* 以下ㄉ發展更有意思:星期一我帶著復原光碟及他所謂ㄉ(相容CD-ROM)到士林找他們來ㄌㄧ個工程師幫我作電腦復原服務,他ㄉ第一ㄍ動作幫我插上一ㄍ外接式ㄉ軟碟機,我說等一下,為什麼你要插軟碟機??他回答:因為你這個不是原廠ㄉCD-ROM,要由dos系統進入,我繼續問他:為什麼這些資訊我們消費者買ㄉ時候都看不到呢??他們依然不承認他們有錯~後來此工程師說他只是做工程部分,ok我同意我很客氣ㄉ謝謝他,接著我請他們ㄉ接待小姐找服務部門ㄉ經理出來,請ㄌ半天剛剛ㄉ工程師出來ㄌ,跟我說他30分鐘前剛進去會議事開會ㄌ,我留ㄌ電話請他回電(郝小姐)各位大大自然知道結果啦:沒回音\ 我在上星期四.星期一用英文發同樣ㄉe-mail到東京TOSHIBA總公司,星期二在我電腦復原完後,發了第3封給新加坡亞洲總部,有興趣ㄉ大大可以看看,我實在很想告這家公司,這在美國你對產品不滿意,用ㄌ半年都可以退(不過不知道電腦是否可以?)這是一件很嚴重欺騙顧客的行為. 懇請各位大大給點意見吧 Complaint: I bought a laptop computer "TOSHIBA Portege R100 P-M1.1G" (I didn't buy CD-ROM because I have a old portable CD-ROM I bought before.) on 1st,AUG,2005(TAIPEI Computer Show).It's my third laptop computer,I like it very much.It is smart. But yesterday I got a OS problem when ran my computer,and decided to run "PRODUCT RECOVERY CD",but failed because CD-ROM is not compatable. Today I made 2 phone call to Survice Department Taipei(02-2888-2830),(0800063063) to ask for help."They are busy." They answered me.Then I left my tel no.to operator. I made 3rd phone call after 1 hr 40 min.and asked operator "I want to talk to the top manager ",then a mr.Wang ansered me(he said he is survice or support manager I was not sure.) I complained because from first begining I planed to buy it (at TAIPEI Computer Show/one of 3 largest computer show in the world.there were so many TOSHIBA staff over there.)until this moment,(here was a web-site "http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=59828" you could see,Please notice,CD-ROM still is optional item not a RECOMMENDed item.UNFORTUNATELY I introduce this model and bought one for my relative 2 weeks ago.)nobody told me (A CUSTOMER) the detail of this special notice and suggested me to buy it.Mr.WANG explained a lots technics ,the chip set,...I stoped him.I said most buyers buying your computer do knowthe difference of this special notice about a optional item of TOSHIBA'S CD-ROM ???? Mr.WANG REFUSED my complaint.I said I will make a complained report to the Singapore TOSHIBA Co,.He answered me "welcome,do you have web-site of Singapore TOSHIBA co,".I xxxxxxx.It made me more anger. This was a whole story happend today,I never imaged this was the survice TOSHIBA gave to me.It's unbelievable. This mail I sent on Thursday,last week ************************************************************************************************ ps.this afternoon I went to the tech department at taipei ,and knew more detail about "the recovery procedure". oh!no,it's not true,the second toshiba "potage 150" I bought with bundle pakaged CD-ROM (brand name:holy stone),could'nt use for system recovery,need a floppy disk. Q 1.Could you show me where the information(complaint on above ) A CUSTOMER can get before he buys??? Q 2. when I ask to talk to survice manager,ms.HAO,"NO,she is busy,on meeting,30 mins ago." Q 3.is this a cheating case???? Registration ID: XXXXXXXXX joe 2005/1012 |
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2005-11-03, 10:25 AM | #32 (permalink) | |
改時間可以自己改阿幹麻送修改? |
__________________ 我是史版A大,錢的數量決定電腦的力量 我是給女孩修電腦長大的,經驗豐富技術過硬,就沒有我修不好的電腦 |
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